Very Sad an down

We had to hospitalize our grandson last Friday he still is there an hr an half away each way I feel they are taking to long to help him. I’am there everyday was suspended from work no money borrowing from family an friends so I can be with him everyday this life is just to much for me. I’am sooo tired an lots of pain an feel there is no light at the end please pray for me because I just want to give up don’t have the strength to fight this battle anymore I hope all my friends are doing better then me an are feeling well sending hugs to you all miss being on here Have a great night xxxxx melissa

please try to find the strength to keep going. i know at times that is very hard. i have had many times where i just wanted to give up. things just kept coming and there didnt seem to b an end.

just take it day by day. things will get better you just have to be patient.

many hugs


Remember the "Little Train That Could"? I think I can, I think I can.

Melissa, this sounds like a very stressful situation. I know things were already difficult. Just know we are right there with you. We know how hard it can be. We have all been there in one way or another.

There will be an answer to the financial problem. I don't know how, but there always is. It may not be what we had planned, but we do make it out the other side.

We are all thinking of you. I'm praying for you and your grandson.


Hi Mel, I’m so sorry you are having such a hard time…
life is hard enough & add not feeling well yourself just sometimes makes it seem impossible ,
we are here for you !!! & i will pray for your situation and especially for your grandson !!! Take one thing at a time, and understand there is only so much you can do… Be good to your self !!!

Hugs &

Hi Mel,

Well, no wonder you feel like you can't go on much longer - your own flesh and blood is seriously ill and meanwhile your finances are depleted. It's perfectly normal to feel completely overwhelmed, especially when you're also in pain. You really do need to take a deep breath, both physically and mentally. Get out of that hospital room and get outside for few minutes to get some fresh air and sunshine. Go to the cafeteria and get a nice cup of hot cocoa or something. Unwind a few minutes, either by reading book or doing some computer solitaire. You're not going to be of much use to your grandson if you're completely depleted.

And here's a good reason for still fighting the fibro battle: your grandson. He's going to need you. And you need to be there for him, in body and in soul. And I do think you have the strength and courage to go on, as your letters have reveled. You just need a place to come to and unload yourself, and here we are. We're here for you, because we've gone through the same battle ourselves. Not a very pleasant one, but it's for a good cause. You can do it.

Big hugs Melissa, please keep us posted.


Hey Mel, you need to stay strong for your grandson, but you also as others have said need to take some time for yourself. You’ve been through a lot in a short period of time and it’s understandable that you’re feeling like you want to give up, but there are two little kids that depend on you to provide them a supportive loving home.

Petunia’s advice is great, you need to get out of the hospital room. Go for a walk outside or sit outside with a coffee, pop or hot chocolate, or if weather isn’t permitting fresh air, walk around the hospital go to the cafeteria, or quiet lounge , read a book watch TV or people for 15-30 minutes and give yourself an opportunity to relax and take a breather. Although my husband is home now, I found during his 45 day stay, sometimes I just had to get outside, as hospitals can be stuffy, noisy and depressing.

I’m sure the hospital doctors and nurses are doing the best to help your grandson, unfortunately as we’re all well aware there are no magic pills and things take time to improve… My heart and positive thoughts are going out to you, your grandson and your family

Gentle Hugs, my friend

Dearest Melissa,

My good thoughts and prayers are with you and your grandson! There is nothing more precious in all the world than a child, and these children are oh so fortunate to have your love, care, and concern.

My heart is with you,


Thank you all for all your encouragement I wish I had it at home but Iam sooooooo thankful to have you all in my life, your all wonderful people an friends I hope I help you all out the way you help me an Iam for ever grateful BIG SOFT HUGS MELISSA

Tammy thank you an I sooo missed being on here because this is my only support my husband is no good for nothing an Iam finally at the point I need to figure away to leave him but its hard because we have custody of Louis an his sister an they are special needs because my stepdaughter the mother of them used drugs during both pregancy how a mother could do that I don’t know but thank you for you support hugs melissa