Great discoveries since being diagnosed

Discovery #1) Heating blanket - I am that person that is always cold. I wear a jacket or sweatshirt all year round. My hands and feet are usually like icebergs. However, two weeks ago I purchased a heating blanket. I carry it to work with me everyday and sit on it, I sit on it in the family room in my down time and I sleep on it at night. Finally, I am hot. Monday morning I had to open the window while getting dressed and yesterday I drove home with the windows down. And the most exciting thing is my feet and hands aren't cold. Which means I can wear my Dansko's again because I don't need socks.

Discovery #2) Sleep Right Nasal Breathing aid - Its a flexible thing you put up your nose at night when you sleep. My husband says I don't snore anymore and I sleep better. It is supposed to keep your nasal passages open at night so you can breath more air in at night and have more energy the next day. I wish I could wear it all day. It was $9 for three. You wear one for up to 15 days.

Discovery #3) Sleep Right Bite Guard - I also have TMJ and realized that I clench my teeth at night. Abourt 20 years ago I got one from my chiropractor that cost a couple hundred dollars. This one cost about $30 and is adjustable for small to large mouths.

My husband loves my new bedtime look, haha, he says all I need now is a grandma nightgown. However, I sleep better and wake up feeling more refreshed and because of the heating blanket I am not stiff.

SleepRight Nasal Breathe AidS
SleepRight Nasal Breathe Aid

I should have asked...What are some things you have found to make life easier with Fibromyalgia?

I'm a new member too. I've had fibro for the past 8 years, but it just got bad enough for me to pursue some treatment. We found a heated mattress cover about 3 years ago and it's awesome. Can't sleep with it on but it sure is nice to get in a toasty bed at night. Tracey

My husband wouldn't go for a heated mattress pad. He is a furnace and stays hot. He hates the heating blanket but will tolerate it if I keep it on my side of the bed and have it on low.

I gotta say THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I've bought the mouth guard before but was afraid to use it because I have sleep apnea and it says you're not supposed to use it if you have it.

And the nasal passage, I want to try it. I HATE my stupid breathing mask for my sleep apnea machine.

And as for the blanket, your hands and feet are probably like ice because we have too many capillaries there and the system that controls them is wonky. As a result, we don't get the right blood flow there, leaving the areas without the proper nutrients and too much waste products so we have too much waste. Thus, sore muscles and cold hands and feet. If you ask, you'll find that a lot of fibro people also have cold hands and feet!

Hi I use the Vicks pad in the small Vicks plug in thingy. Lol can’t remember the name. I’ve been wanting the strips for the nose, but always wondered if they leave a sticky residue on your face???

I sleep with a heating pad, I rotate It through the night. And a huge body pillow :slight_smile:

I sleep in shorts and a tank top and cover up with my cozy blanket with my knees and feet out. Unless my feet are ice, then I cover them up but only for a couple minutes at a time.

I sleep at least 8 hours…and wake up feeling exhausted still. That’s one thing --I can sleep. The only time I can’t sleep is my days off I wake up at 6:45 like a alarm goes off in my head. Frustrating!! Then by 11 I’m Back in bed sleeping until 1 or 2.

I like to rub deep heat everywhere. My neck my arms my legs my back I mix it with Victoria secrets eucalyptus lotion :slight_smile: they have many scents you can mix it with.

What else do I do. Lol I will think about it.

Let me know about the strips. I would love to be able to breathe again!!! I’m always stuffy.

I haven’t tried the strips. Some people say they irritate the skin. Or leave a mark. I’ve only tried the sleep right nasal things.

Thank you

Oh Stacey, it is so exciting to find some things that work for you! I rejoice with you. That makes your life easier.

Heating bags work well for me whatever the season although if the house is already warm in the summer, it's harder to be motivated to use them. But try them anyways and see how you feel.

I sleep in a waterbed and I love it. The gentle heat is good on my body. But I don't sleep with a heating blanket. That would be too much.

I have Sleep Apnea so I sleep with my CPAP machine. So no Nasal Breathe Aids.

I tried epsom salts last year and didnt feel they helped but I am trying them again. Hot baths definately help me. Only newly diagnosed so still learning :slight_smile: