Hello everyone!
My name is Brooke, and I have been recently diagnosed with Fibro. I can recall having symptoms for about 2 years now. However, I have had severe migraines for 5 years. Like many fibro patients it took an extensive period of time for my final diagnosis to be reached. In the beginning the pain would hit me like a ton of bricks and I would be wiped out for weeks at a time and then suddenly it would leave and I would be back to normal. The doctors said I had a virus and that was it. Six months later it would come again but worse, and so forth until it was an everyday thing. Every test in the book was done, so much blood was taken. I am sure many of you can relate. My Neurologist was the one who finally made the diagnosis.
Today, I am a freshman in college and trying to cope with the struggles fibro brings. My hands and back bother me the most. There are times I am unable to take notes in class, or my writing resembles a kindergarten student's. I also drop things constantly. Does this happen to anyone else?
The firbofog has recently really begun to set in. It amazes me how easily I can forget something I was just doing, or about to say. My mother (also a fibro fighter) has struggled with the fog for many years and now I finally realize why she asks me a question three or four times.
I feel very alone at college in this fight. I do not want anyone to look or treat me different. I want to be the same strong girl I always have been. But it's hard when I can't get out of bed in the morning, and get maybe four hours of sleep at night. Or when all I want to do is cry because I am in so much pain. ON the days I feel well (and by this I mean a tolerable pain level) I try to do so much, and act "normal" that the next week I end up paying for it.
Thank you all for your support, It is a great feeling to know that there are others who are out there feeling the way I do. God Bless you all <3