Hello New to the group!

Hello Everyone.

I have been dealing with Hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto's Thyroiditis for 3 years along with Menopause, Erythema Nodosum, and different Staph infections the last 2 years. It has really been catching up with me the last 2 years. but even after my thyroid numbers started looking good on the chart, I still was having horrible muscle skeletal pain. My hands and feet are numb tingling pretty much constantly. The neck and upper mid-back always sore and achy. So after several tests my Dr. decided I had Fibromyalgia too. Tried several different medications but the only one that gives me releif somewhat and energy is Prednisone. Unfortunately I can not take that all the time according to my Dr. so in betwwen I am miserable. Right now I take 200 MCG.of Levothyroxine a day, Occasional 7 to 10 days of 10 mg Prednisone 2/a day. I have tried several different medications anxiety meds, even shots of antiinflamitories none of that helps some even made me worse...

I decided to join this group to see what others are trying and hope to learn some other options of trying to find some energy back and less pain...

I use to be very active, quads, animals, camping, fishing, mud trucks. I still do some of these things but a lot less frequently. Got rid of my horses 4 years ago couldn't handle them anymore and they needed more riding and attention then I could give them. The 4 wheeler I rarely ride maybe twice a year these days... On the good side I still go fishing, camping and walk my dog every other day. I have to make myself do these things... But when I do I usually am miserable for a day or 2 after. I am lucky to have a wonderful family and close group of friends that are thoughtful and caring for the most part. I think it is more me feeling guilty not be able to do as much as I use too.

A lot of the guilt is because I haven't been able to work now. Tried several different jobs and either it takes physical or mental and I unfortunately can't do either on a steady basis.

I hope to get on here frequently and learn some new tips to try out. Thanks for reading my post.


Hi Gypsy, welcome! I am glad you found us and glad you wrote a little about yourself. I am proud of you for staying as active as you can, I think it is important to strike a good balance. That is awesome you have supportive family and friends. Hugs.

Hi Gypsy,

I am glad you found us. Everyone here is compassionate and very knowledgeable and encouraging. We are here for you any time day or night. Please keep us posted on how you are feeling.

Again, welcome!

Jackie S

Hi gypsy
Welcome I too suffer from hypothyroidism have done for 12 years I’m on 250 mg a day just do what u can and try to keep urself up good luck doll xcc

Hi Gypsy, and welcome.

I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling guilty. Not feeling guilty is a really tough battle for me, also. Even when people are understanding, it's hard not to feel like I've broken some kind of implicit contract by cutting back on my activity and interaction. Job loss is very hard, too, especially in this society where what you do is often thought of as what you are.

The meds that helped me were an anti-depressant, Escitalopram - not prescribed for fibromyalgia, but it helped a lot with the pain and was actually the first clue I had that I didn't just have a repetitive stress injury - and a sleeping pill, Trazodone. Even though I'd been sleeping 8 hours "without waking up" before taking the sleeping pills, I felt much better when I got 7 hours of sleep on the Trazodone. Neither medication was prescribed for fibro, I just got lucky.

Take care, God bless you, and hugs!

Welcome, I take lots of drugs for fibro and sleep and depression, etc. The opiates have helped the most but cymbalta, gabapentin, amitriptyline, have reined in the rest of the symptoms to a large degree. I want to get to where exercise allows me to decrease the amount of the opiates I take (morphine sulfate and norco). I tried stopping various drugs but it seems to be the combination that is working for me.

Prednisone causes cancer if taken more than short term. Try to find something else that works for you, if you can. It's bad stuff.

Some of the drugs I did not tolerate when I first started taking them but I persisted until I was able to take a full dose as often as prescribed.

I too do some things as I used to, like driving vacations, long hikes, sitting through concerts. I plan recovery days into my schedule because I have not been able to get by else. A week or 2 vacation needs an "off" day every third or fourth day when I can get extra sleep and/or rest. If my husband doesn't need rest, he may go off and do something on his own while I lay on the floor and relax. Or dinner with friends may result in needing a down day the next day. It's good that you have the support of family and friends. Without their help and understanding you would find yourself having more trouble than you are. Hard to imagine isn't it?

I'm glad you found us. This website have been great for me. Lots of good suggestions. And just having folks you can chat with who understand. Gentle hugs.

Kathy said:

Welcome, I take lots of drugs for fibro and sleep and depression, etc. The opiates have helped the most but cymbalta, gabapentin, amitriptyline, have reined in the rest of the symptoms to a large degree. I want to get to where exercise allows me to decrease the amount of the opiates I take (morphine sulfate and norco). I tried stopping various drugs but it seems to be the combination that is working for me.

Prednisone causes cancer if taken more than short term. Try to find something else that works for you, if you can. It's bad stuff.

Some of the drugs I did not tolerate when I first started taking them but I persisted until I was able to take a full dose as often as prescribed.

I too do some things as I used to, like driving vacations, long hikes, sitting through concerts. I plan recovery days into my schedule because I have not been able to get by else. A week or 2 vacation needs an "off" day every third or fourth day when I can get extra sleep and/or rest. If my husband doesn't need rest, he may go off and do something on his own while I lay on the floor and relax. Or dinner with friends may result in needing a down day the next day. It's good that you have the support of family and friends. Without their help and understanding you would find yourself having more trouble than you are. Hard to imagine isn't it?

I'm glad you found us. This website have been great for me. Lots of good suggestions. And just having folks you can chat with who understand. Gentle hugs.

Thank you so much for info. Ya, I have to be careful to space out the prednisone. I hope in June seeing a new doctor that i can find something to work that I can take more regular. Really have a hard time with the sleeping meds.. they leave me foggy for a day or two... even just taking 1. and the anxiety meds that were prescribed were unreal I couldn't even function.... but I am hoping to try gabapentin heard good things from a lot of people...
Kathy said:

Welcome, I take lots of drugs for fibro and sleep and depression, etc. The opiates have helped the most but cymbalta, gabapentin, amitriptyline, have reined in the rest of the symptoms to a large degree. I want to get to where exercise allows me to decrease the amount of the opiates I take (morphine sulfate and norco). I tried stopping various drugs but it seems to be the combination that is working for me.

Prednisone causes cancer if taken more than short term. Try to find something else that works for you, if you can. It's bad stuff.

Some of the drugs I did not tolerate when I first started taking them but I persisted until I was able to take a full dose as often as prescribed.

I too do some things as I used to, like driving vacations, long hikes, sitting through concerts. I plan recovery days into my schedule because I have not been able to get by else. A week or 2 vacation needs an "off" day every third or fourth day when I can get extra sleep and/or rest. If my husband doesn't need rest, he may go off and do something on his own while I lay on the floor and relax. Or dinner with friends may result in needing a down day the next day. It's good that you have the support of family and friends. Without their help and understanding you would find yourself having more trouble than you are. Hard to imagine isn't it?

I'm glad you found us. This website have been great for me. Lots of good suggestions. And just having folks you can chat with who understand. Gentle hugs.

Hate that their is so many of us. But it is nice to feel not alone in trying to find a comfortable mix of medication and ways to deal with everyday obstacles. Thanks for your comments and info. Gypsy
Ethel said:

Hi Gypsy, and welcome.

I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling guilty. Not feeling guilty is a really tough battle for me, also. Even when people are understanding, it's hard not to feel like I've broken some kind of implicit contract by cutting back on my activity and interaction. Job loss is very hard, too, especially in this society where what you do is often thought of as what you are.

The meds that helped me were an anti-depressant, Escitalopram - not prescribed for fibromyalgia, but it helped a lot with the pain and was actually the first clue I had that I didn't just have a repetitive stress injury - and a sleeping pill, Trazodone. Even though I'd been sleeping 8 hours "without waking up" before taking the sleeping pills, I felt much better when I got 7 hours of sleep on the Trazodone. Neither medication was prescribed for fibro, I just got lucky.

Take care, God bless you, and hugs!

The amitriptyline was prescribed for sleep. I can't take trazadone, too foggy. The amitrypitine is both antidepressant and anti-anxiety. I take at bedtime and it calms my system so I can sleep but doesn't leave me groggy the next day. I'm taking 25mg.

Gypsco said:

Thank you so much for info. Ya, I have to be careful to space out the prednisone. I hope in June seeing a new doctor that i can find something to work that I can take more regular. Really have a hard time with the sleeping meds.. they leave me foggy for a day or two... even just taking 1. and the anxiety meds that were prescribed were unreal I couldn't even function.... but I am hoping to try gabapentin heard good things from a lot of people...
Kathy said:

Welcome, I take lots of drugs for fibro and sleep and depression, etc. The opiates have helped the most but cymbalta, gabapentin, amitriptyline, have reined in the rest of the symptoms to a large degree. I want to get to where exercise allows me to decrease the amount of the opiates I take (morphine sulfate and norco). I tried stopping various drugs but it seems to be the combination that is working for me.

Prednisone causes cancer if taken more than short term. Try to find something else that works for you, if you can. It's bad stuff.

Some of the drugs I did not tolerate when I first started taking them but I persisted until I was able to take a full dose as often as prescribed.

I too do some things as I used to, like driving vacations, long hikes, sitting through concerts. I plan recovery days into my schedule because I have not been able to get by else. A week or 2 vacation needs an "off" day every third or fourth day when I can get extra sleep and/or rest. If my husband doesn't need rest, he may go off and do something on his own while I lay on the floor and relax. Or dinner with friends may result in needing a down day the next day. It's good that you have the support of family and friends. Without their help and understanding you would find yourself having more trouble than you are. Hard to imagine isn't it?

I'm glad you found us. This website have been great for me. Lots of good suggestions. And just having folks you can chat with who understand. Gentle hugs.