HI All,need some help please before thanksgiving my little toe and been hurting its a dark purple and hurts like crazy,now when i try to walk or not have shooting pain on the side and bottom of my foot feels like a deep bruise i can sit and the pain is driving me crazy, had some foot burning too can not stand anything next to my little toe is this fibromyalagia.Hugs to all:{
Hey Bet, I sure don't think it is related to fibro. It kinda sounds like maybe you broke your little toe because of the bruising. If you have the chance to see your doctor I would. In the mean time maybe ice it and soak in epson salts maybe it will feel a little better. If you find out it is fibro related please let me know, Thanks Hugs, Robin
I would agree with Robin about your toe, it sounds like it is broken. Think back and try to remember if you injured it at all. It doesn't take much to break a toe from what I understand. As for the other pains, if you had them before the toe issue you might have problems with falling arches. I developed a terrible pain in my left heel and the left side of that foot (and now in my right) that is due to my arches falling. Because of this my feet are curving inward. My specialist says this is not directly related to my fibro but it's become a vicious circle. My arches have fallen because of work (I'm in the service industry) and because I'm losing muscle strength in my legs.I am unable to build up the muscle because I'm so damn tired from the fibro, especially after a long day of working on my feet.
This is just my situation. I would encourage you to go have it all checked out. Hope you feel better soon. :)
Hello Bet
It sounds like you stubbed your little toe. I have done that and the toe turns purple and it hurts to walk or stand for the first while. It also hurts if you are wearing a lace-up shoe. I did this to my little toe last Fall. I find that I need to change shoes halfway through the day.
It doesn't sound like fibromyalgia. Can you recall(Think hard!) stubbing your little toe?
It took 6 to 8 weeks for may toe to return to normal.