Her is too cute

Awww I love it when she stares at me.

Thank you sweetie :) I am sucker too, I got her when she was about 6 months old...I was told that she is a cock-a-poo when I brought her in for shots, but a lot of people tell me she look more Maltese, Maltese to me seems to have more of a flatter face. The girl my husband bought her from was my sisters daughter in law and I know she is part poodle. I was extremely depressed and wanted her so bad, found out she was selling her and had to have her. My husband wanted me to have her and got her for me. She does bring a lot of joy in my life, as a matter of fact it is 3am and she is right here on the couch next to me while my husband is sleeping in the bed, she never leaves my side :) this is horrible, I hardly was able to move around. I made a video tonight singing its on my page if you would like to listen to it. Gentle Hugs