Just for a smile and the love of dogs

Hi Everyone..I know this isn't Fibro related but I just thought I would share this website. As I am a dog lover and have 2 of my own, I couldn't help but smile when I saw these little cuties. I hope you get as much enjoyment from it and it makes you smile too!

Awesome DreamCatcher!!! Thanks for sharing this, especially since the majority of us are animal lovers, and this is a great distraction for us !


I have 2 dogs & a cat-----Don't know what I'd do without them either!!! They add such joy to my life that I wouldn't have without them!!


I know Aleta! I now have 2 dogs, but at one time I had 2 cats, 2 dogs and a love bird named Petrie! lol When I saw the pics of all those little cuties on that website well it just makes me want to have more. They are so hard to resist!! I cannot have more, but you know what I mean :)

Hi Kelly,

Funny my shih tzu's name is Charlie! My kids named him. I'm sorry to hear about your poor little chiwawa...does it look like she or he will improve? I'll say a pray in hopes that he makes a full recovery! Our pets are such huge part of the family and were so sad when they pass away. I've lost a few of my fur children over the year's. The last one being my lab Maggie she had liver disease. I cried for many days after. I would love to hear your story about the possum if you feel up to writing me sometime!

Best wishes,


I'm a fanatic for greyhounds. I think they are just the most beautiful dogs.

Awww they are beautiful dogs for sure! Are any of these your dogs? The photos are amazing!! I particularly like the one with their wool scarves!! They all seem like they like to pose!! Thank's for sharing Marc :)

These are not my dogs though I would welcome any of them. They are the sweetest, most gentle, most loyal dogs on the planet. Great with kids and grateful for the retirement from the track. My first greyhound, Raider Ben, is a dead ringer for the brindle greyhound with the grey face in the second picture. He was so sweet. During my early years of Fibro, I couldn't sleep on a mattress so each night, my wife and I pulled out the mattress from the sleeper sofa and put it on the floor. That was our bed. We made a bed on the side for Raider and covered him before we went to sleep. In the morning, sleeping on his back was always my Raider Ben. Oh yeah, he was always between me and my wife.

The fact that they are grateful is perhaps why they make loyal and loving companions! It's too bad our pets don't liver longer. I love having them in my life but each time one passes away it's so emotional. And like most we say were never getting another one because in that moment you can't even imagine going through that loss and pain again. However we do! Again and Again!

That is so true. I currently have a nine and a half year old standard poodle named Marley Bob. I refer to him as a "nine-year old poodle puppy" because he is still so active. He frequently outruns, outlasts and simply shows up much younger dogs who are in pathetic shape. Unlike me, he runs everyday and is soooooo fast. He'll be ten in January and he'll be my ten-year old poodle puppy.

And you are most definitely correct. I am not done with greyhounds. When Marley goes, I'll lose it for a week or so get my stuff together and pick a new companion. That what dog people do.

Oh my those little tea cup puppies are precious. Our dogs are our babies and the are spoiled rotten lol. I would be lost without them. Like now when I can't sleep they are right here by my side. They are the best.... Here's a picture of my girls.

Awe kholmes you have a big heart for animals and that's awesome. We lost 2 dogs real close to one another and said no more dogs, we were so heart broken. We only had the fawn pit, who names their pit bull Princess, my daughter. My boys took my hubby a week later to pick up the blue pit Cheyene. A few years after my hubby took me to see some puppies and the Shiba(Peaches) stole my heart, my friends had 2 dachshunds so we got Daphne. I don't go near a puppy adoption because I have sucker written on my forehead and would bring a few pups home with me lol.

Here's my handsome devil, Marley Bob. 9 and 1/2 year-old puppy. This would be his "seriously? Again with the camera?-look. Ok. just get it over".

Oh, and if you look at him and think, "Damn, that grey dog is old" I should point out that he is now and has always been a Silver Poodle.

What a cutie...I love the silver and he doesn't look old...

OMG they are all so adorable!! Tell me how you divide your attention between them? I have 2 dogs and 2 hands and they always strive to get the most attention. At the moment I'm taking care of my sister's little dog and well it is so funny to see how they push and shove each other out of the way!! I try to rub one with my foot and the other 2 with my hands. So I couldn't imagine have more dogs! lol I love them and believe you me if I could I would have more!! :)

Wow you are really an animal lover! That is wonderful and I absolutely loved your story about Willie it is so cute that he has grown up thinking he's a dog! lol Well you do have enough right now and I'm sure it is challenging sometimes with not much energy to give having Fibro. I can imagine how you must feel knowing that some of your pet kids are nearing that old age where they will pass on. It is too bad our pets don't live as long as we do or in the least a little longer, but I know myself and having gone through this before when the day comes that I lose Charlie or Kassie I will grieve for sure it will take a little time, however I will always have the need to have a pet and will get another companion! I wish you many more years with your babies and I am happy to hear that Pie is in remission!! Let's pray it stays that way and on the road to full recovery!!! Thank you for sharing! x

Robin...Yes that is how I would be! Have to stay away from puppies in real time! That is why looking at them virtually it is less tempting! Plus did you see the prices of those dogs on that website?!! Some were as much as $10,000.!! Unreal!!

He is definitely a handsome devil! I'm glad for 9 years old he is still in great shape!! Here are a couple of pics of my babies!

This is Charlie he is going to be 7 in July.

And this is Kassie she just turned a year on May 17th. That pic was taken the day I got her at 2 months. Hmm I have to take more recent pics! She is such a mischievous little girl!

Our dogs are a big part of helping us get through.

If anyone is interested, I started a group to talk about training a dog as a service dog for fibromyalgia on the groups section

what a great mix we have three at our house