So then... Pets... of any type. Lets share some photos of them for us all to aww over :P.
To those who do not know, where it says "reply to this" there is an arrow pointing down at a button saying "Link", next to that is a photo frame. Click it. Then choose file. *chooses file*. It will then take a while to upload so do not close it off... just wait. Eventually the ok button will come to life (change nothing else) and needs clicked. The photo is then ready to be posted... just click reply as normal and it will work.
Wow, I love her markings, so dramatic. Beautiful. Good for you for rescuing them! Did you have to bottle feed them? I did with 2 of mine, I loved every minute of it!
Nollie was my best friend for 17 years. He was so funny, most of the time I think he thought he was a dog. Every picture I have of him his expression changes, and he looks like a different cat in each one. I swear he had multiple personalities.
These are all taken with my phone. The one at the top of the thread of Rossi was with a camera. I love taking photos. Finn has a lovely personality. He is so gentle and loving, but also a talkative scrounger lol xx
Oh Sandi, I am so sorry that you are struggling with the fibro foggy days. I am glad that I was able to teach in the classroom for 30 years before I knew I needed to take early retirement.
As I encounter on this website so many people who are working and struggling with the fog and the pain because their workplace makes it intolerable. I just hope that you have some good days to offset these horrid days.
Done it for you. When you are replying, click the picture frame, then chose pic and then allow it to upload. It will appear in the box you are writing in :)
Renie, you have not had the pleasure of the company of a Siamese cat. They definitely talk back. And when you have been away or even one day they have many important stories to tell you and it doesn't matter that your arms are full they will get in between your legs and cause you to stumble until you give them your full attention. Oh how I love Siamese cats as they are people cats. They prefer the company of their human to that of other cats.
Pickles and Ciarra are Siamese cross and they are always wherever I am keeping me company.