What are fiths? Yellow labs are amazing. I love all animals but labradors are my favourite x
Aww she is lovely... give her some fuss from me xx
They are both lovely looking... you seem to have friends with fins as well :P xx
What lovely cats... I am not that much of a cat person but I can see why your mum liked Gracie xx
This is Sheba and she is the Queen around here. She's a wonderful dog only, she doesn't know she's a Doberman and should be a watch dog. Actually she does watch but that's all she does when someone comes in the house even when we aren't there. The only time she barks is when she wants to be let back in the house and in her sleep. She's a rescue and all she wants is to be loved and pet.
Hey everyone! I haven't shared anything much here yet..still new to the site, but thought I'd try and share our sweet furkids. The first picture is Penelope and Little One...now 1 year old kittens that we adopted together. The second one is Shadow, our almost 5 year old tortoishell cat and then the last is Zoey who wandered into our life 2 years ago..she will be 5 in May. We have one other dog, MacTavish who is our 2 1/2 year old scottish terrier..will have to send a picture of him in another reply. This one only allowed me 3 pictures.
1705-IMG_3331.JPG (64.3 KB) 1706-IMG_3330.JPG (89.4 KB) 1707-IMG_3248.JPG (1.69 MB)Here is MacTavish...little scottie imp...my heart's dog..he is always there to cheer me up when I am down
1704-IMG_3247.JPG (1.45 MB)Bless her, she is beautiful. A lot of rescue dogs do not bark because they were hurt for it before... I wonder if maybe that is why. Give her a cuddle from me xx
Thanks Mike!!!!
You are welcome x
So many great pictures of everyone's fur kids. I tell everyone I have 7 kids....2 have 2 feet and skin..the rest have 4 feet and fur!!! LOL
All we know about Sheba is that she was used for having puppies and then tied to a tree no matter what the weather was. No shelter and most of the time no food or water either. When she was rescued she only weighed about 30 lbs.
I'll be sure to give her a cuddle from you.
I am scared of fish but like the look of angel fish. I also love turtles... it is good that she had such a long life :) xx
The white dog is Yoda. He's a Chiwhatsit, half chihuahua and the rest "we don't know, what the heck is it?" He looks like a giant chihuahua with bulldog style teeth. He's around 20 pounds and knee high or so. The little brown guy is ChiChi. It's short for Chewbacca but he will only answer to Chi, ChiChi. Cheesy or Cheeseball. He's about 8 pounds and is a Chiweenie, half dachshund and half chihuahua. He is a character and a half. They both have loads of personality though. Chi is small enough to lay on whatever part of me hurts and he does. He is an attention hound. They both love cuddling. Chi loves to be under the covers
I’m loving looking at all these pics, I do think Yoda and Chichi are such cute names.
Of my 6 ‘girls’ 5 are rescue and saw both neglect and cruelty at the hands of previous owners - I can’t abide cruelty of any kind, but it takes a real sicko to hurt a defenceless animal…
Anyway, they all bring myself and my partner such joy each and every day.
I did not mention their names earlier - from the back there is
Maggie - cavi, Becky - springer, Meg - German shorthaired pointer, Sophie - springer, Ella - greyhound and finally Anna - cavi. They are all cheeky, funny and loving - what more can I say.
Thank you, Bev. My husband is a star wars nut so
he picked out Yoda. Chi was already called ChiChi when we got him so we changed his name from Presley to Chewbacca, as we could see Chi from that. They're both rescues. Chi was rescued from the pound by a lady who usually rescues Rotties so he lived with 12 Rottweilers from 6 months to a year so thinks he's a big dog lol. She was told the people who took him to the pound as a six month old puppy, had a two year old that he bit when he was sat on and pulled at. Yoda was found by a lady nearby. He seemed to be left by someone foreclosed on or from someone who passed away. She tried for weeks to find someone who claimed him but he didn't have a chip and no one seemed to be looking for him. She couldn't keep him so my husband went to pick him up and fell in love. He was already neutered, well trained, well mannered and has the sweetest personality. They're both well loved. Your girls are beautiful and I can see the personality in the pics. Dogs and cats are so awesome.
This is my cat Pogle who is the most tolerant cat in the world! And the next picture I post will explain the reason she's so tolerant lol
And this is George and Gracie. These two constantly make me laugh and yes it's pretty normal for them to just sit in the bath with or without water in it lol