Hi yes cute. W have3 GSD, and other pets I find on the days that i can hardly move with my pets i know they count on me so without them to make me move i would stay in bed all day
I got her when I was seven years old, for my birthday, and had her for 19 years. Sadly, I became horribly allergic to anything with fur or feathers during late puberty so I couldn't pet and cuddle her as much in her last years.
BUT I couldn't bring myself to give her away and it became better when I moved out and my parents took care of her for me... until she got very sick and had to be put to sleep. She had a long, good life with lots of outside adventures :)
I wish I could have another cat or two, but I'm so very allergic to animals by now (and anti-allergic cats are waaay too expensive)
I am thinking of getting a few beginner-friendly fish at some point, since I love watching fishies 8D They're calming and even though they can't be cuddled, I imagine they still provide a lot of relaxation.
Here is our lovely London...he is Franny's dog but she shares with Jaz. If you are curious about this guy you can learn all about him at weareteamlondon.org
our lovely horse Cajun....we dont own him, but he is "Jazmine's" boy and we use him for therapy. He will put his big head right in her lap when she is in her wheelchair. This day we took Jaz's friend too.