Our furry friends

I absolutely love all the photos of your beautiful best friends. They are precious, aren't they? I tried to upload a pix of my cats, but wasn't very successful. My husband wanted a cat for the longest time, but I kept saying no. Since I have retired on disability and was home more, I finally gave in and now, I really don't know what I would do without them. They are so sweet and lovable and they really do keep me company. Their names are Nimmie Gurl and Cuddles. I'll try again to post a picture of them. People without pets just don't understand how much love a pet can give you and visa versa. I never understood either, Now I do and they are definitely part of our family.

My first post shows how to upload. The process of uploading may take a min or so... it looks like it has crashed but it hasn't really. Pets are amazing :) xx

This is Jayne, my rescue kitty. He is a manx tabby, and was stray for the first five years of his life. When he came to the shelter he had such bad peridontal disease that they had to remove all of his teeth. He is also FIV+. He is however a very lovey cat, he demands lap cuddles and sleeps next to me at night. He is also a chatterbug so sometimes I think he must have some siamese in there somewhere!

These are my other fur kids, who I love so dearly:

I started owning rats three years ago when I was suffering from major anxiety and depression. They helped a lot. My original crew have since gone to the rainbow bridge (alas, most rats only make it to 2 years old). I started doing Rat Rescue a couple years ago,and all of my current babies are rescued. Gadget is the female you see on top there, I've had her and her sister Gizmo since they were 3 weeks old. They will be 2 in June (Gizmo isn't pictured, she has a nasty tumor and probably won't be with us much longer). I also have three neutered males. Calcifer is almost two and came from a Seattle shelter where he was biting volunteers. He is a nervous guy but very sweet. The two White Boys are my pride and joys, they came from an overcrowding situation and were not socialized-both were very nasty biters when I got them. They are now loving, wonderful pets. Sulu is mostly blind but loves to be talked to. Sheldon is a big mush and loves everyone. These guys and my cat and my fiance help keep me sane :)

Oh, I love watching fish, Nan. We haven't had a fish tank for many years, but when we did I could lay and watch them for hours. Kind of like I do with the computer now! LOL!

Awwwwwww I used to own rats and they used to sit on my shoulders. They are such great pets and if I didn't own a cat I'd have them again

Pogle is STUNNING!! I love torties, they have such a distinct personality. My tortie Whitney began travelling with us when she was 3 months old because we had no other options, and she loved it - she was the toughest, most easy going cat I've ever met!

Here is my boo, she is a thief. Edna the wonder chihuahua

and this is our dog pal London the two legged pitbull. He lives with a friend but is totally bonded to my daughter.

Precious. I am a dog person but appreciate beauty wherever I see it!



What a beautiful dog

you stole my dog....oh wait, she is on the couch

You too! are you all breaking in to my house and taking photos of my dog while I am out

This Symba his nick name is little lion.
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This is Chance. He was my best friend for almost 15 years. He died of old age 2 months shy of being 15. He was the greatest dog I have ever had.
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This is my ms. Sophie...she is a rescue doggie and is THOUGHT to be a mix of llaso & poodle. She likes to sit on her lil butt and watch/wait for me coming back to my vehichle. Makes a lot of folks laugh..haha

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How sweet Geranium!

I am so envious!!!! I really would love to get a cat... I haven't had one in over 10 years and am starting to long for it and think that a cat would help my son as well. He is 8 and has PPD, and Adjustment Disorder. He is also an only child and I am an only parent. I just feel that a kitty would help him grow....but we live in a small apartment and I cant make ends meet in the grocery store with just our mouths through the month...I do one day hope to have our kitty, though....

they are gorgeous! my last cat weighed slightly overweight at a mere 25 lbs! Yes, he was put on a diet but he was simply a large tomcat! And very very active!

So Beautiful. Love the name. Perfect.

This is a 'rainbow bridge' that my dog groomer (now passed) built herself and put in her front yard for memories for ALL. I am sorry that the colours have faded over time..but I live in a rain forest so it's a 'given' that the colours would fade. My 2 shih-tzus, 1 X-terrier, (and more doggie friends) all have a special 'rep' for them . I TRY to put my friends special pets on the the bridge also.

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