How do we cope with a short holiday , only going to scotland , wont go abroad , its still a four hour journey , the problem is that because I can't take certain meds , iam flareing soo much ,
the weather changes effect me so much , and warm weather I coming , it blows my M.E out of the window , my fatigue is crippling .
Just wanted to know how others are when going away x
Hi Angie. I am sorry you are having such a dilema . In answer to your question about coping. For me it is knowing my limitations , my disabilities and abilities . If I am not able to do something or go somewhere then I just don’t . I won’t stress over it or feel any guilt about it either . I hope you figure out and do what is best for you .
When my Brother became an Angel I knew I had to go down & help Sis go through his belongings. I have a TENS Unit (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulations), it is used to ease pain. 2 or 3yrs ago I bought it online from a discount medical supply store for $27US. I also brought w/me my tea making supplies (decaf green tea bags, hunk of ginger, cinnamin sticks, ground cloves, sweet basil & a cup sized strainer (I like the flavors of the spices, but the ginger eases inflamation)), I drank a gallon/day. Braces (wrists, elbows, knees & back), gel packs & a heating pad. I took a months supply of Meds-just in case. I paced myself as best as I could. & somehow we both survived!