How many are on here?

Hey Dodi - great you’ve found some time to come back! It’s got a bit quieter than when I started in October, mainly because of fibro-flares - ever so often people give us a note that they are at least reading and longing to manage to come back. So I’m missing quite a few people, who want to take part more actively but can’t, but am bravely carrying on our :butterfly: butterfly flag :smile_cat:, esp. with my blog and reference lists.
Others like you do manage to come back ever so often, and some of them were on the board when you were (Aug2018 it seems?), so will remember you. When I delve into the vaults to bundle the treasures of topics I get the impression that 2012 was the heyday here and there still occasionally are some people from that time reading here. At the moment patience is necessary after posting. Not sure what you mean with the 24 hour chat, so it probably isn’t being used :grin:.
Hope you manage to keep back more often and would love to hear of your experiences, old and new.
Are you still working full time? Since my fibro flared up fully (we discussed this the other day) I only manage 10h/week, up from 0 for 10 months, but down from 50 for years before that.
How has your sleep developed? Mine’s improved bit by bit, but I still need a lot and it’s still a struggle to get it.
How have your other symptoms and treatments developed? I’m very slowly getting more and more of a handle on them, no meds, but having success with supps like amino acids (in my case too low GABA) since April for stiffness & sleep.
Is your family still as supportive as they used to be? My wife, friends and colleagues are a lot of help to me.
Do you still listen to a lot of Worship music or which do you listen to now? I’ve just been working on a very new cover version of In Christ Alone, inspired by Kristian Stanfill and especially Nathalie Grant’s studio version and am listening to a modern gospel 2CD, but after years of concentrating on all the other modern Christian Pop/Rock genres on online Christian radio, also now listen to a wide range of pretty freaky experimental modern music on bandcamp, e.g. mixtures of Jazz, Metal & Electronica… the stuff I make myself is similarly weird, but usually a bit calmer than that, often with piano, I’m managing to do about 3h/wk again…
Do you paint or collect or look at pictures or sculptures or…? I collect mainly amateur paintings, have 17 in my own (small) room at the moment, big and small…
See you soon?