Aussie Newbie

Hi Everyone,

I am a 38yr old female from Australia. I was diagnosed officially about 1 yr ago, but I have had Fibro for a while now.

I used to love playing sports and being active. I have had to give up all of that.

I find it very frustrating and I don't mentally cope with it all.

On top of fibro I also have Chronic Fatigue.

At the moment I work fulltime, but I struggle with it. I don't have an understanding boss. She gives me a hard time about being unwell a lot. I would love to go part time, but that is a lengthy process at my work place.

I have a great General Practitioner and Pain Specialist. They try to put me on medications that lessen the pain.

I am currently on 100mg of Palexia twice a day. Endep 25mg at night. During the day I take Panadol Osteo also.

I suffer from depression and anxiety which doesn't help at all!!

I am trying to learn to live with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Depression & Anxiety.

It is a daily struggle.

Lucky for me I have a caring and supportive partner.

I've joined this group hoping for support and education.

Mel :)

Hello Mel,

Good to see your post, and thank-you for sharing your story with us. It is very familiar and that's why this community is so supportive - we know what it's like. Family and friends really struggle with this tricky condition, who can blame them! Your partner sounds great. As for your work place, would it be possible to speak to someone higher up to adapt things to enable you to continue to work, I beleive employers have a duty of care. Wishing you well.

Take care, Anne

Thank you Anne