I might have a light at the end of the tunnel...here's hoping!

hi, I've only been on here one other time and I do apologize... I'm just too tired to even make the effort to write. I will go on and read your discussions, be able to relate and want to write back but just can't manage. right now for instance I went on the forum to start a discussion couple of times and exited out finally I'm doing the speech to text app. is it pathetic? yeah I seem to think so.. I wouldn't be surprised if others agreed, but that's just how its been lately.

anyways I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia when I was 20 I am now 32.

I've been to many doctors that don't believe me, say its in my head, rolled their eyes at me, I've been seeing pain management doctors... some good until they say that I no longer have fibromyalgia and we all know fibromyalgia goes into remission it doesn't disappear... We're not that lucky. so since then I've just been seeing general practitioner and taking pain pills on an as needed basis which unfortunately is usually at least once if not twice a day.

a while back, probably about 5 years ago 6 Maybe? it was either just before or just after I had my daughter I started noticing extreme changes of course for the worse.I became so tired it was almost like Lethargic I would become depressed because I was tired I didn't have energy to do anything it was fibromyalgia to the extreme... I became confused, I couldn't make decisions for myself. I had something very excited to look forward to last year (I just recently got married) yet to plan a wedding I needed three to four people to fall back on To help me make decisions I couldn't make ANY myself. people started saying I was acting strange I noticed it too... when I pick my kids up from school I have to go straight home, I'm still like that I can't make any stops I have to get home. Anxiety at its finest. I'm so cold, always cold, painfully cold... to the point I finally have a handicap sticker 6 months out of the year only in the winter because the cold practically debilitates me, I can't tolerate it! so I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia as well as Raynauds syndrome or Raynauds phenomenon, I have been into the doctor several times for Low libido of as I like to say NO libido! :‘( I love my husband and find him very attractive but for the past 2 or 3 years... it takes all the energy I have to even attempt To do anything with my husband. I'm just exhausted, so tired... this was NEVER me! I explained to the doctors something is wrong... I love sex and now I have no interest. SOMETHING IS WRONG! I'm told I have kids, I'm getting older... I'm not as young as I once was... I'm THIRTY TWO! Not 70! I go to the doctors crying that I'm so tired and so exhausted I have Fallen asleep in the car! Thank goodness I was in a parking lot And knew I was so tired I couldn't drive so sat with the car off. My daughter had to wake me! again the doctor says the same thing I am no spring chicken anymore, I have children, that is why I'm so tired.. but I knew something more was wrong!

I get migraines I have problems with my eyes burning feeling like sandpaper And my sight seems more blurry at Times.. the list goes on and on! These are all signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism!

I have been tested for hypothyroid even though I'm Thin... doctors acknowledge that I have a Goiter and they did tests and I have antibodies, many. I am hypothyroid, unfortunately I have to figure this out for myself. they came back telling me I do not have a thyroid problem everything seems in order.. that I have antibodies but they're not going to treat me (after they told me they would if antibodies showed)

what upsets me even more is I have gone over the list for hypothyroid and everything I have ever complained about is on there! when I try to explain to the doctors I had symptoms of hypothyroid they told me No your fibromyalgia is making it appear that way, I explaind to them that I have even heard that hypothyroidism can cause fibromyalgia and they argued with me! my T4 is high above the range which means I am hypo. I have been ignored and now I just laugh :( why was it OK to allow the doctors to make me feel stupid or more upset then when I first walked in?!

I will be seen a holistic doctor in July (if I can hold of that long) I'm excited and eager to see all the positive changes that happen from that point on... I know things will be rough and things will still be rocky but for once I feel like everything that I've been complaining about and that has been going wrong actually has a chance to get better!

WE KNOW OUR BODIES BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE!!! I have been right the whole time knowing something more was wrong! just because they read a few books and have a degree does not mean they know how we feel and what's wrong with us! Everyone is different! I will be finding a new general practitioner one who listens to what I have to say. as for my holistic doctor I cannot wait to see him.

((( HUGS))) to you all. I hope for a pain free life for all of us. <3


I know this probably won't make you feel any better but,.. I have problems with drs. too. My old family dr, who I loved, retired a few years ago and I've been stuck with a new young guy. He's the type that thinks he knows everything and he doesn't know anything. At least nothing about my condition. I'm the one who's educating him. Go figure. Drs!... Ugh! (ha ha).


Hi Ben,
I completely hear you on having to educate your own doctor! I really know more about fibromyalgia then my doctors do! and the worst part is when I tell them of something new or driving me up the wall… They don’t acknowledge it or even write it down at times… and then the next time when I see a doctor and mention the same thing they say “it doesn’t look like you’ve ever mentioned that before” like constant numbness in my legs were tingling in my feet/hands ugh! I know that’s not normal! But to them its nothing. I think they are given only so much information on a certain issue, syndrome, disease… but for us (at least myself) it’s different, I’m given a name of something that’s wrong with me I do research on it until I know it backwards, forwards and sideways! I will research it to death! (my poor husband…) it’s almost like I have research spells… I’ll be so exhausted I can’t look or read or search anything anymore and then a couple weeks or months later I got a second wind. Lol

Anyways thank you.

Hi Lovett,
Thank you for responding…
my mom actually had Graves disease herself and obviously has/had hyperthyroidism from it. my symptoms are definitely more hypo, I’m very familiar with the hyperthyroid symptoms… Tremors, loss of weight, boost of energy and crash from it, sleeplessness, anxiety and depression…etc.
my test was a T4 total not a free T4.
I was diagnosed as hypo about six or seven years ago and then was told my hormones were just floozy or that it was a mistake and it has been ignored ever since by doctors. but I have been doing research myself the past 4 years and I have realized the issue is my thyroid not just the fibromyalgia (which they keep blaming it on) I have come in with stacks of papers showing and explaining how my symptoms relate to my thyroid and they argue that its not what they were taught and ANYTHING can be posted online and try to send me home with anti depressants (every visit they try this) they know I won’t take them… I did when I was first diagnosed with fibromyalgia and it did not help and I don’t care to use something that won’t help me.
Anyways, I know about hypo/hyper thyroid storms and all the other things that could happen related to thyroid disease. I’ve read many medical documents as well as researched online and gone through many signs, symptoms and checklists.

the only thing I’m a little concerned about is it seems from what I’ve read, it’s not something as simple as a diagnosis and pill that makes things better. sometimes it takes a lot of time messing with meds to get the levels correct.

Thank you for yr thoughts :slight_smile:
Oh, if something doesn’t make sense… it’s only because I forgot what I was saying… But I think its ok from what I read. :confused:

Hi Iv'e had fibro for over 20+ yrs and I really feel your desperation and you just want somebody with a medical degree to listen to you and help you get all these pieces of information wrapped up into a diagnosis and then finally get the apropriate treatment how you can have your life back. I went through the same thing even having Raynaud's, Migraines. which I have to have IM Morphine Injections to get some releif. I am on oxy-contin for the pain, take sleeping meds. anti-depressants.anti seizure to help with the Migraines but the most important thing I had to do to have some control over all of this was except I had Fibromyalgia and stop looking for a cure and learning to cope except and cope with the symptoms I had or I would have still been chasing doctors, having tests, wasting time my life my money just to be told over and over again that I have fibro you can end up driving yourself and everyone around you crazy this was my experience you may be totaly different bbut think about it all the very best and I wish you well I