Pain doctor who works for a fibromyalgia center, who I happened to visit today for the 4 th time - and was only left waiting for 1/2 hour, told me I seemed depressed because I said that I am sick of doctors prescribing meds that I have tried before and didn’t work and I can’t take this anymore. I then raised my voice and said “of course I’m depressed! Wouldn’t you be?” She then said " and it looks like you have some anger today." I said “how dare you say that to me after I was left waiting 1/2 hour for you to tell me that you really don’t know what will help me AND I was told by your assistant that you didn’t have time to look at my GP’s notes since 1989, nor have you filled out my FMLA papers?” Don’t think anyone has ever talked to her like that. I then said " I don’t mean to be rude so don’t take it that way, but do you honestly believe you can help me?" She said she wasn’t sure she could and that i have been to many doctors and they haven’t done me justice and babbled on that its just hit or miss with drugs for each individual. " when I asked her what doctor I should see that will help me, seeing as she didn’t want me to follow up with the sleep clinic doctor as she wanted to take control of all my meds - she said that I probably should see a psychiatrist with a MD behind their name because they are best to treat Fibro because they know more about what meds to use because of the depression! I just started laughing and said “Didn’t you tell me that depression wasn’t the cause of Fibro, but now you’re telling me that I should see a shrink to help me get some sleep and help with pain? I feel like I’m back in the 60’s!!” She then proceeded to fill out a generic return to work form as I told her my employer wouldn’t accept that to reduce my work hours. She asked how soon I could go on a delayed start at work - I said when you fill out the paperwork! I then got a 2 minute lecture on how much paperwork she has had to fill out lately. Couldn’t believe it.
I told her I was canceling all my PT appts. as I get more out of working out in the warm water pool than a 10 minute neck massage that I and my insurance are paying for and I would like to save them. I left with a name of a psychiatrist and oh, let’s see…why don’t you try gabapentin again and just keep increasing the dose if 300 mg. doesn’t work ( up to 2,400 mg at night). Geez!! She point blank told me that rheumatologists will only diagnose the disease, but don’t want to treat you. When I asked her if she knew anyone in the Milwaukee area who treats Fibro she said no, that I’ll probably end up going to the University Hospital in Madison or the Mayo Clinic. Not sure I can stand all this HOPE I now have!
I would love to see what she wrote in my chart - probably depressed, angry, uncooperative pathetic woman. Can’t believe she took an oath to treat fairly and ethically and all she seems to be doing is blowing air up my butt! Never been so frustrated before. I would love to be a guest speaker at a physicians convention. I’d really have some things to tell them!
Oh, Sandi, so sorry to hear all that. What a beyotch! I actually had one doc I went to before I was diagnosed when I was feeling really crappy and hadn’t slept in what seem like years but was probably weeks, tell me that she could not be my doctor if I was goingto whine (I had tears in my eyes but hadn’t made a sound). This was after she refused to even come in the room while my husband was still in there despite the fact that I wanted him in there. Needless to say, I only saw her that one time. But I went straight home and went on Angie’s list and all the doctor websites I could find and gave her a blistering review.
I am curious as to Who is supposed to treat fibro if not your rheumy or your PCP? Ihave a psychiatrist and, in an ideal world, she would work with my other docs, but I don’t expect her nor do I want her to treat my pain as I don’t think she has enough training in that area. Perhaps pain management? Let me know what you find out.
Wow. The old standby, "depression," again. For lazy doctors who don't care or don't know beans about fibro. I'd rather have a doctor tell me (as my rheumy has) that there really isn't anything adequate to treat fibro pain, which is more or less THE TRUTH, than to have someone throw that cr@p at me. I am sooooo in your corner on this one, Sandy! What a lazy doctor to not even bother reading your chart info OR fill out your FMLA paperwork. Sure she's busy...but other docs are too and they manage to fill out paperwork for their patients.
PT didn't help my back pain either, Sandy. In cases of fibro, it seems like it has VERY limited use. It's helped my tennis elbow...for now. But I can't tell you how many stinking PT appointments I suffered through that only made my pain worse (and gave me a nasty case of bursitis.) I am not even sure why doctors prescribe PT for fibro unless it's something else that's also treatable, like the tennis elbow.
And she's full of it regarding rheumies. Sure, some work that way but others do want to treat you. Look at SK's. I think your pain mgmt doc is just lazy, lazy, lazy.
And I'm not sure what good going to a Psychiatrist is going to do since it's the FIBRO that causes the depression, not the other way around. Lazy doctor!
Hopefully you can find someone in your area who is decent and can treat you. Are there any local fibro groups that meet in your area? If you look on Meetup, you might be able to find one. If you can, I would send them a question asking if they can recommend a good doctor for you. You seem to be wasting your time with this rube.
Yes, Sandi, definitely get your records. You then have a choice whether or not you want to write to the doc if you see any errors. They do not have to correct the chart but you can ask to have the letter made a part of your medical file. (This is what my doc said as I had the same issue with someone else.) and you can always make a complaint to the medical board. However, in my experience, the medical board is just like the courts system. They are overworked and only pay attention to the most obvious of violations, things that are ethics violations or malpractice. while your experience would fall under an ethics violation in my book, i dont know that they would see it that wayyand in the end, it would be a he said/she said situation. So, if you choose to go that route, don’t be disappointed if you don’t get any satisfaction. This is certainly not legal advice but just my experience as a Certified Paralegal. (Which designation means I am smarter than a lawyer but earn way less money! LOL)
No groups in my area. Closest is an hour away. I’m glad you mentioned about getting my records. That’s all I could think of on my way out. Went to work exhausted and complained to my boss which made me feel a tad better. He had the same advice and said why aren’t there doctors to treat this? All of our question I do believe. Thanks for the support. MBP- ill take your legal advice any day!
Hi Sandi, I am so sorry that there is even a dr. Out there, that Can be so nasty, uncaring, rude, and down right a piece of crap!!! Wow you must have felt awful !!! I had a similar experience with a rheumatologist, she sat there with her arms folded and said, without even opening her computer, you should go see dr… So & so because he likes fibro, wow really … He likes fibro…
The whole depression issue also gets me going … Why do they all insist that depression is the only thing anyone can treat … Depression did not cause our pain, weakness & fatique. I hate that cymbalta commercial depression hurts, bullcrap fibro hurts, oh im so sorry you were treated like that… And this was a pain dr. ???
Sandi, please tell us about your back injuries again, if I am not mistaken, you have several herniated discs. Can they address THAT, since they do not seem to know how to treat a Fibro patient at a Fibro clinic??!! WHAT???
Gee why is it we get frustrated, depressed, angry? NO wonder you are upset!
I feel so very fortunate to have my Doctors, wish I could share mine with you, girlfriend!
SK - I do have 2 disc problems with multiple degenerative. I just called my back pain management doc yesterday, as my hips and legs are so bad - been living on my hearing pad. Even have one st work! Lidoderm patches, my tens unit and hydrocodone are not keeping it at bay. As for everything else, I’m a mess. I’m not following the Know Nothing doctors advice to start gabapentin. I called again today and she has to fill out my papers. As soon as I get them, I’m requesting all my records and am on a search. I made an appt. with the sleep clinic and hope to get some help there, as she didn’t want me to go there. I don’t understand how a psychiatrist is going to help me with Fibro ! May help me with depression meds, but not sleep or pain meds?!? Maybe I’m clueless but am sick of doctors just taking my money. Sure you all have felt this way - no wonder we are depressed!
I only read your first paragraph and burst out laughing. My god the arrogance of doctors blaming you for their failings. Now I will read the rest of you comment.And it looks like you have some anger today, but it is relevant anger and appropriate, I don’t know if I am going to be able to finish your comments. Yes I finished reading your comments and take control. Learn everything about the condition and your body and decide where you want to go. Only go to a doctor who will supports you (that us the key word)where is my support, tell them what you want. tyr like hell to come from an authoritative position, and smile and ask for support. I am sorry but the doctor you went to was no good get rid of her. Hope all this helps Barb
I wish it were that easy. Can’t take any of the Fibro meds, savella, cymbalta, lyrica. My muscles freeze up when I take them. I never got above 600 mg at night of the gabapentin and I didn’t notice any relief, but may be because I wasn’t sleeping, which didn’t help. I guess I want a doctor who can look at my history and meds and confidently say “let’s try this or that and if that doesn’t help then this is what we will do, etc.”. I know we are all different and what works for some may not work for others - I’m just hoping I can find some answers soon. Appreciate all your help! By the way, I called the office again asking if my papers were signed and mailed - they weren’t. Gonna call again tomorrow or I’m going to my PCP with new forms!
Well, no sense taking them again if they didn't work the first time!
I am so sorry all of you gals are having such a difficult time finding Doctors to take care of you. I just don't know what to say, we are just lost without them!
Maybe it's time to go back to your PCP and re-group!
Ooh, Sandy, I think you might be asking for the Holy Grail. I'm not sure that (m)any of our doctors have done this for us, unless they can pinpoint an autoimmune disease in us. Fibro is just so...iffy. And the treatment is also so...iffy!
I would echo SK and urge you to try the Gabapentin and get higher dosages if the lower ones don't work. It's incredibly frustrating that the other meds mess up your muscles! That surely cuts down on the avenues you can explore for pain management.
Keep nagging for those papers! How ludicrous that you doc hasn't signed them yet! It sounds like she flat out doesn't want to. So who needs her as a doctor as she puts your treatment and well-being so low on the totem pole? She's not even my doctor and I'm already "over" her!
I'm just asking her to fill out the FMLA papers so I can reduce my work time and come in later! She hand wrote it on a return to work form, as I told her that she was wasting her time because my employer wouldn't accept that! All she had to do on the form was check 2 boxes and put a date on it and sign her name! I'll drive 500 miles and pick them up if she'd just fill them out. She thought it was a great idea that my employer valued me so much. If she does or doesn't, I will be picking up my medical records for sure!
Or else if you know the Human Resource person well and are on friendly terms, ask her if she can call the doctor and ask for the form. That MIGHT light a fire under her lazy bum.
Oh yeah, my doctors have been doing this for years, charging $30. But those charts are about US. Why do we not receive a copy of them when we leave the office? Why do we have to pay for what we paid for at the original office visit?
That's just insane. IF you visit her again, I would suggest bringing a copy of the form in for your visit and hand it to her, saying, "check these two boxes and sign, and we're done."
I'd fire her butt for this alone, Sandy. It's really quite cruel of her to keep you waiting like this when you need more down time.
Wow! My PCP office copied office notes that were at least 80-90 pages from December, 1989 and I didn’t pay a cent. AND… my doctor left a message with the gal that called me to tell me I could pick them up, to make sure I made a copy in case I needed them in the future. I was very grateful. I wonder if she wants to delve into the world if Fibro ?!? Hmmmmmm.