Hey everyone! I've really missed you! It's been months since I have been able to spend time with you all. In that time, I have taken a few trips back home to Wisconsin. Also, if any of you recall, I was caring for my Dad up until April. Well, he unexpectedly passed away. He got sick while my daughter and I were out of state, and managed to hang on until we got home, and I got to spend time with him, say what I needed to say, before he went home.
Now, my pain and stress levels are high, which is to be expected, I am dealing with all of the financial runnings for my moms household. Three months have passed since his death, and I am ready to pass on these responsibilities, but, that is not happening yet.
My daughter is doing exceptionally well, I'm glad to say, we have a bright spot to look forward to. As soon as the savings allow, we are moving back to my hometown in Wisconsin. That is my last few months in a nutshell.
Now, today, I am having extreme skin pain. I've tried hot shower, loose clothes, and Percocet. Nothing is helping! The area is too big to apply any kind of ointments. Any suggestions?
Welcome back !!! We have missed you ! So sorry about your dad, I lost my dad ( 3/2011) unexpectedly also & it’s horrible, but I’m glad for you that you had the chance to say what you felt was needed. It’s so stressful dealing with the financial aspect it took me almost a whole year for my dad, I would not want to have that stress again…
Hang in there, being back with us will help for sure
Hope your pain gets better ! Perhaps others with skin pain will add some suggestions
I am deeply sorry for the loss of your dear Dad. I am so glad you were able to spend time with him, though I know that you have cared for him for years. It takes a special person to do this!
I hope the pain and stress soon abate, and that you are able to get things to a better place! You may just need some time and some peace, along with good Dr care and meds.
I am sorry for your loss. I am glad your daughter is doing well. You have tried every thing I usually do hopefully some one will have more suggestions. I hope all goes well with your move.