Gone too Long

I have missed being able to be on here and having access to all of the support that i have found here from all of you . They have finally started working on our house and it has been crazy on top of all of that my uncle passed away and i helped my dad with everything ..... cleaning out his house an all . It has been so crazy on top of all the pain thats the norm i now am suffering alot of extra pain and have no insurance to get meds to help. I am so tired of all the weight i have gained and it seems that all of it is in the belly , soo tired of it !!!! My Dr had started me on something to help me loose weight was on it for one month and lost insurance coverage so back to square one!

Hi Pebbles. I'm sorry for your loss. I just finished cleaning out my folks house (my childhood home) and it is very difficult. You were good to be there by your Dad's side. I know it caused you additional pain. I don't know where we get the extra stamina to pull us through those things, but we do. And working on your own home to boot? You do have a lot going on.

You lost your insurance? Do you have a regular doc that you see and has diagnosed you? Maybe they can still prescribe. But then you would have to pay out of pocket, right? Oh, boy. I'm sorry Pebbles. It's ok to be upset and tired of it. You have had a lot.

I will be thinking of you. Keep us posted. Hugs!


Hi Pebbles,

I reposted a thread about Help for Low Income Americans that mentioned help with prescriptions. Also many prescription companies will help you with the cost of their drugs. You need to go to the parent company's website and look for a link to financial assistance. I used it for Lyrica for several months, which was a big help.

The death of a family member has to be at the top of the list of stressful events to handle. Add in the work involved with handling their affairs and you're looking at the potential for quite a fibro flare. Geez, I'm sorry you lost your uncle and are flaring so badly.

I'll bump the thread I mentioned above to the top of the discussions page. Hopefully you'll find some help there.



Hi Pebbles,

I've been thinking of you, girlfriend! You know the old saying, "It never rains, but it pours"! Hopefully you will be getting through this quick. I am still waiting to get our upstairs finished, but am thankful that we can still live here during this ordeal.

Petunia pulled up a good page that Sheila put together, with just about everything this country possibly has to offer. You may even try to contact a social worker, see if there is something else available. These people have the greatest resources available to them!

Hoping it all goes quickly!

Love and hugs,