Hi Everyone! Been gone WAY too long!

I want to apologize to all those that remember me. I have been gone a long time and family matters have needed my attention - being the Mother of my brood. I also have been trying to work on regaining my relationship with my daughter, who is as STUBBORN as a mule!! (Smile)

As I continue- please excuse the laptop if it makes any mistakes or skips around. It's been going bonkers on me lately. Getting a new one soon!! Unfortunately, I wish I could say my Fibro is all gone and that I am as healthy as a horse!! (Sigh)...........Not true!

A few months ago, my nurse wanted me to get a Bone Density test and I KNEW I was going to flunk it with a big, fat, HUGE F!!!! Well, I failed and now, with everything else going on, I have been diagnosed with (drum rolllllll) Osteoporosis. Anybody else got this AFTER their Fibro diagnosis?? Good grief to the 'Man upstairs!'! Can't I have ANY relief from all this stuff?? I am now on a med (can't pronounce it right now) that I take once a week. Every Sunday for me. With the ol' Fibro fog - Sunday Is a day I can remember.....for now! Jeez!

I've gotten back into doing a little bit of modeling as I did years ago. It helps me not to feel so crappy about myself. Excuse the harshness here! LOL Other then this - I am retired now and live in Nevada. The cold winter months will be upon me soon - and that's when my Fibro gets REALLY out of control.

It seems like NO amount of whatever Meds that I take, will settle it down. Now that I am older, I have had to learn very hard to be gentle on myself when flare-ups happen. Taking it easy and not thinking that the world is going to end just because I am on the pity-pot!

Anyhow - it's good to be back and I sincerely hope you all are doing fairly well at least?? Hope to hear from some of you soon! Love, Laurie

Hi Laurie it is nice to meet you! It sounds like you are doing a pretty good job overall of managing the Fibro. The cold does affect so many of us and I know I am not looking forward to January weather . . . It is so important like you said to learn to take it easy and be gentle, that is one of the hardest things I've had to learn. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and have a FABULOUS day! Hugs!!

Auburnm said:

Hi Laurie it is nice to meet you! It sounds like you are doing a pretty good job overall of managing the Fibro. The cold does affect so many of us and I know I am not looking forward to January weather . . . It is so important like you said to learn to take it easy and be gentle, that is one of the hardest things I've had to learn. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and have a FABULOUS day! Hugs!!