I want to apologize to all those that remember me. I have been gone a long time and family matters have needed my attention - being the Mother of my brood. I also have been trying to work on regaining my relationship with my daughter, who is as STUBBORN as a mule!! (Smile)
As I continue- please excuse the laptop if it makes any mistakes or skips around. It's been going bonkers on me lately. Getting a new one soon!! Unfortunately, I wish I could say my Fibro is all gone and that I am as healthy as a horse!! (Sigh)...........Not true!
A few months ago, my nurse wanted me to get a Bone Density test and I KNEW I was going to flunk it with a big, fat, HUGE F!!!! Well, I failed and now, with everything else going on, I have been diagnosed with (drum rolllllll) Osteoporosis. Anybody else got this AFTER their Fibro diagnosis?? Good grief to the 'Man upstairs!'! Can't I have ANY relief from all this stuff?? I am now on a med (can't pronounce it right now) that I take once a week. Every Sunday for me. With the ol' Fibro fog - Sunday Is a day I can remember.....for now! Jeez!
I've gotten back into doing a little bit of modeling as I did years ago. It helps me not to feel so crappy about myself. Excuse the harshness here! LOL Other then this - I am retired now and live in Nevada. The cold winter months will be upon me soon - and that's when my Fibro gets REALLY out of control.
It seems like NO amount of whatever Meds that I take, will settle it down. Now that I am older, I have had to learn very hard to be gentle on myself when flare-ups happen. Taking it easy and not thinking that the world is going to end just because I am on the pity-pot!
Anyhow - it's good to be back and I sincerely hope you all are doing fairly well at least?? Hope to hear from some of you soon! Love, Laurie