JayCS’s Fibro Blog

Day 5, Friday - Christmas Day - good day, 2h of it “moderate”

A “Christmas song” made my evening: Bethlehemian Rhapsody

Full 9h sleep, plus 1h of unrest, no seizure.
Table tennis, 4 games, without :exclamation: needing a break afterwards:
:arrow_forward: Cold showered before :exclamation: non-stop table tennis,
:arrow_forward: thin :exclamation: mask for more oxygen
:arrow_forward: 1 quick combined :exclamation: yoga exercise every time my mate had to get the ball on his side:
Turning my torso inward, with intense arm swinging too, around the supporting leg to stretch that thigh and torso at the same time.
If I do the same tomorrow and am still good, 5 games?

35’ phoning with my bruv - very exhausting: Let’s say from the last 10’ on. 1:40… 2:15…
The combined yoga exercise plus a 1’ workout helped at 3. All moderate, not bad. Let’s say 2h.

1h cycling at just above freezing point was a little hard first, but with 110% energy I could get pretty warm. I haven’t cycled as fast in months. Must’ve been something like 35kmh/22mph for about 2 mins, then down a bit to not overdo it. Wow - this is spooky - where is this energy coming from?
OK in the evening, but underlying worn out a bit by not enough lying down… still with energy.

Got (only) things to keep warm for Christmas: warm socks (the 90% wool with 10% mohair unfortunately is making my feet itch so I can’t sleep), warm oversocks (unfortunately from synthetics, which suffocate my skin), a warm topper for my mattress (unfortunately wool with synthetics) and an electric heat blanket (only synthetics, but that might be OK for a short time to warm up in my office at work). My body is hard to please. Luckily I don’t need anything to keep happy :smiley:
Worried about son with new girlfriend coming with grandchild, they’ll have to accept that we’re keeping outside, despite the cold.

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