Day 10 without work, Wednesday - 3rd night without 5-HTP… - Energy!
Sleep good, but strange 10-8:30, -1h20 = 9h10. (pretty awake 2x; got up, when less Ache)
“Finished” MISS Bella of the Living with Fibro Community… (if I ever am satisfied with anything…)
100% energy, e.g. whilst cycling. After acupressure she’d showed me a way to stroke over the (meridians of the) legs down outside and up inside, then arms down inside and up outside, then over head and back to see if that manages the stiffness.
Then 6 non-stop games of table tennis, a few seconds of my new combined yoga back/thigh/foot-exercise in between. Don’t need breath-holding, cold showering, more yoga or other exercises.
BUT: My wife just looked at me if I’d told the acupressurist that this fibro-flare is not one bit better than one year ago, that it’s only everything I’m doing which is giving me the “good life” - as I call it. Let’s try to disagree: All my pains (back, joints, clavicle, teeth/jaws, cramps/spasms and partly urethra) and my sleep disturbances are under control, they were all on overload till about August, but my *sleep amount/*time is still very high, the stiffness is “always” there, the Ache, myofascial-torso pain and feverishness as soon as I try a bit of what used to be normal. My wife sees the stiffness and the Ache, but she’s throwing the baby out with the bathwater. She’s right tho in that my acupressurist has sometimes been too optimistic and needs to be reminded of the fundamental problems which she doesn’t see. I told her today that the stiffness “at home” after 10 mins is about double of when I get up from her bench after the 1.5h of acupressure treatment.
My acupressurist asked me where exactly the stiffness is - joints or limbs? is easy: limbs, not joints. Inside or outside? No!, actually most of it is at the “tendon insertions”, i.e. at the ends of the muscle tendons/insertions. That’s why I partly agree with the 2nd rheum., who diagnosed the fibro, but said it was “more exact” to call it “polyinsertionstendomyopathy”. But I disagree, because *that isn’t my main problem, it’s the Big Ache, exhaustibility with fluey-feverishness, myofascial-torso pain and sleep need & disruptions. There’s much more to “fibro” or whatever anyone wants to call this syndrome/ collection of symptoms.