JayCS’s Fibro Blog

Day 8 of working again, Monday - weird: not good, not bad

Sleep: Reflux again, later sour/acid burp :arrow_right_hook: Eating too late? (8:15) or too much dairy, or both? Praps sugared dairy: 200ml vanilla goat yoghurt and 250ml natural cow yoghurt with added agave sirup is what I had in the evening.
Work: After 3h in the evening, I only went on, in case needed, but mostly did other things.
Treatment: A “RESET”-treatment she’s not tried on me before -

surprising, strange/interesting results: listening closely close to my body....:

Consisted mainly of holding parts of my head, slight movements similar to craniosacral osteopathy, and me opening and closing my mouth for about 3-5mins. for each new position.
Just looked it up:
R.E.S.E.T., it targets the TMJ, was originally kinesiological, thought up by an Australian…
During it, I was pretty relaxed, but rather less than her other treatments. Because I had to lie on my back for 80 mins. my soft palate kept making funny noises or pushing out air. She thought I was nodding off, wasn’t tho.
Getting up was much more difficult than usual, she had to twist me up, I could hardly help.
When I was up tho, my legs and knees were not at all stiff, however my arms, elbows and neck, the other way round from usual. Short stingy nerve-type pains in my left calf. Walking around I felt as if I’d been oiled (remember the tin man meme… ;-)). But on my bike I had only 75% energy, less than before, and was short of breath. Despite the oiled feeling which was keeping on.
Getting home after 15 mins (decided not to get grocery yet) I became very tired and had to lie down.
Now my underarms are hurting trying to type. Have to lie down. Back skin itchy. Right thigh stinging.
But I’ll try to play table tennis, altho it’s cold and drizzling.
At the moment I have the feeling it’s reset the knee-tendon stiffness to oiled, but reset a lot of good things of her acupressure back to bad… Hope the acupressure on Thursday will set that right.
Managed 6x table tennis, the burning-feverishness in my arms got too much and I was really exhausted afterwards.

Activities: 6x table tennis (due to exhaustion after the “resetting”).
Video meeting with friends for 2h (5-7) was OK. But didn’t manage much else. Ate fairly early, bed earlier.

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