JayCS’s Fibro Blog

Day 13 of working again, Saturday - more self-discipline at night!..

Unrest from 2-4. Tried all tricks - exercises in head, breathing, twisting, doing real exercises: no help. So only a longer 1h-break did the trick. Cold showering wd’ve been similarly effective, but I’m trying to find alternatives and that break was OK for me. If I’d’ve needed a 2nd one, I’d’ve cold showered. This again shows that neither acupressure nor ozone is helping here yet. In the break I looked up (Levodopa + (non-US )Benserazide) for RLS which my rehab-psychiatrist prescribed and decided there are way too many adverse effects similar to amitriptyline, to which I prefer the restlessness by far. Only thing I’m still thinking about is taking an extremely small dose, something I shd maybe’ve thought about with other meds, but then I never really wanted to take any of them, so I’m glad they didn’t work out that way.


Levodopa or L-dopa increases dopamin. Benserazide prevents this happening outside the brain, reducing side effects like nausea.

Main pains at night at the moment are both elbows and wrists, use arnica cream on there. Seems to have got more regular since the RESET-treatment on Monday, but the main problem is cocking the elbows for a good sleep position.
Not quite 10h sleep tonight, but an avg of 9h50 this week. Let’s see if energy remains…
Activities: Table tennis 8x, won 7, so: Yes, the energy is back. Despite wearing a mask for most of the time. I think more sleep and reduced work this week helped. - Went on to get groceries after, which was a bit too much, but a half hour break did the trick.
Then we met 2 others at the grave of lost friend and talked quite a lot, way over an hour in the cold, doing yoga to keep warm, plus cycling 20mins there and back, and that was just too much, even resting an hour with an electric blanket was enough. Not pain, just tired, fatigue, feverish.
Just stumbled upon a great, fast paced, and humorous “crash course” on managing fibromyalgia, a 40’-“master class” on youtube by a fibromite, Rachel Lynch of FibroIreland, from 2018. If it’s too fast for you, put the speed on 0,75. :

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