JayCS’s Fibro Blog

Day 16 of working again, Tuesday - slept better

Sleep 9:20-7:55, 10h35-30=10h05. One idea I’m thinking about is how @Polkadotbeans_fibro sleeps 3-4h in the afternoon and 7h at night. That’d let my wife have her peace in the afternoons after work and leave us time in the evenings. Altho - I have to get up earlier first… See if it works. I’d have to see where I fit acupressure in, which is at 1-3 2x, let alone ozone and then acupuncture 2h, up to now in the mornings… Another is this experience again last night: going to work leads to sleeping thru better! (Despite the shock.) Now I’ve immediately tried out the nap/sleep idea at 3, needed 20’ to get to sleep, then pretty deep sleep, 45’ altogether, “rude” waking, feverish, but fit after. Hmm, let’s see what the night’s like now.
Work “Lazy”, somehow it just feels too much, but it isn’t really, I’m where I shd be.
Activities table tennis 3:3, Ache, but quickly OK after, without special treatment. Singing and preparing for it was good. Short phone call, short cycle-walk with my wife and then walk with a good old friend. But the walk was too much, shd’ve taken the bike.
Treatment ozone #5. OK. The headache on Friday might have come from it, she says. Drink more.
Pain: Quite OK.
Gut: Good.
Not getting enough done, I feel. Have to reduce/postpone less important things…But actually - there’s not any real pressure. Like at work, everything’s flowing quite OK. So “not getting enough done” = “resting & enjoying myself enough”! :smirk_cat:

Why have I always felt feverish after an afternoon nap or getting up at night, long before fibro…? - This is the same feverish-feeling I have when overdoing it… Not hot or cold, sort of hot-cold at the same time, mainly in the arms, but also legs and face (I think)

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