2021-02-05, Day 27 of working again, Friday - great sleep
Sleep: 9:30-6=8:30-15=8h15+20’naps=8h35 awake at 6, feeling slightly shaky, but good.
Is ozone what’s improved my sleep or is it the new natural flow instead of a steady rhythm?
Nap: 30’, c’d’ve been more…
Work: Not much…
Activities: Table tennis 9:0! From the ozone? But after that not too good. Longer walk with a mate was a bit too much and cold.
- Ozone: Better sleep?
- Acupuncture: Not good at all. I talked to the doc after the ozone, and then spontaneously tried acupuncture. Same as the first 9x last year tho: This time the acupuncture doc used a specific regime for FMS, but it again ended up being 20 needles, not the 1-3 he had said before. I kept having to remind him what he’d said last time, but that didn’t help. He expected me to be able to move a little bit with them in, to make myself comfy, but that was very painful in feet, knees, back, neck, hands and elbows when I did, so he took the back ones out again, only those next to my belly button and 3 of the 5 in my head didn’t hurt. Still tense to not inadvertently move. Pains didn’t stop all day, first feeling shaky and shaken, but c’d walk OK, feeling slightly ill, nauseous, feverish, stabs as if the needles were still in there, but not where the needles were, about 10-20cm away from were they’d been. On the other hand I was able to play table tennis very precisely all the same. However the pains stayed and increased slightly till the evening, so I cold showered, which I knew from my acupressurist that that w’d neutralize it. The pain was then gone (apart from right knee) and table tennis went well again on Saturday too. Altogether it was too close to my last experience for me to continue it, tho…
He was reluctant to do it parallel to the acupressure anyway, but my acupressurist had done other things the last 2 weeks, so I thought it OK to try it out. He’d also preferred ear acupuncture, but we decided against that seeing as my acupressure is ear acupressure. My GP surprised me when I told him after, telling me he does quite a bit of acupuncture every week himself, that he’d never tell me to move with needles in, he’d never’ve put in more than 3 very thin needles, maybe even only one, and people saying original Chinese acupuncture is right for Western people can’t really be right, because that would involve very long, thick needles which they use in China. Confusing… O.o
- GP: Cardio… Hashimoto, see diagnoses.
Hacks : The “Charlie Chaplin” works mainly thru the outward position. 8’ back exercises do not help as much as 15’’ of the Charlie Chaplin!!
We fibro-mites sh’d be doing probly be stretching all day, like a cat, at least I sh’d:
Why doesn’t it look as cute when I do it?? OK - I’m not feline, that’s for sure
Pain: Quite a lot the whole day, due to the acupuncture, stabs, burning, aching as if the needles were in, but not where they were, somewhere else, often about 20cm from it.
Gut : Cos burning unrest in stomach at night after cold rice, I’m now trying to keep the rice to midday and keep to bread in the evening.
- Blood fat lipoprotein a result not there yet. LDL still nice & low, a bit higher than it was. Triglycerides lower enough at last. HDL 20% too low: Eat more Anthocyanes: plums, dark grapes, raspberries, cabbage, aubergines, 50g of dark chocolate a day can improve its antioxidant effect? Bitter’d be better than no chocolate at all I spose. Niacin vit. B3 to improve HDL better not over the counter.
- Ashwagandha (“Indian ginseng”): Sposed to be good for lots of things, in my case blood fats, thyroid and sleep; I’d have to watch out for IBSD; blood pressure & autoimmune reasons for sending info to my GP.
- TPO 10% too high (thyroid), but in July it was 50% higher (i.e. double what it sh’d’ve been): Inflammation. Confirms Hashimoto. GP recommends selen 200mcg and new check in 1 month, to see how it’s changing. * TSO 2: Also to get other organs checked for inflammations there, not sure if that was checked a year ago, but I do think so. The endocrinologists in my town are lame as heck, so that’ll mean an appt. an hour away.
All others thyroid bloods (T3, T4 TSH) are OK. The TSO might go down by itself or by the
(“selen-yeast” contains selenomethionin, which the body can supposedly use better, sodium selenit does too, altho anorganic; neither is proven for Hashimoto, just a tendency, so I’ll keep with the sodium selenit; foods for this are paranuts, coconuts & sunflower-seeds, but these all increase blood fats, and certain champignons, which I won’t find)
- Creatinkinase as well as the CK-MB/CK Ratio is slightly too high, meaning myocardial (heart) problems. That has been checked several times, but I’ll put it on the agenda for the angiologist/cardiologist.
- No Sjögren’s: I’m going to embrace the interpretation of my rheum., that if the lip-biopsy has no lymphocytes, then I have no Sjögren’s.
- Psoriatic Arthritis, PsA?!: Just been suggested to check this by C… I do have remarkable
tendon stiffness, with some pain, which might be called enthesitis (mine’s diagnosed as polyinstertionaltendomyopathy, but my 1st orthopedist diagnosed polyarthritis), incl. Achilles and foot pain, but no tenderness, no swelling anywhere (joints, fingers, toes, eyes),
I have dry skin, but never colouring (red, silver or grey), quite often strep throat (Marigold essence)
1 toenail that suddenly split & seems sort of fungal (new, which I’m treating with tea tree oil; white, not at all dark, or dull or distorted, or brittle or smelly, but not yellowing or browning either); 1 fingernail with pitting; but seldom other nail problems;
lower back pain, but no spondylitis in MRI,
itchy eyes sometimes, but otherwise perfect,
exhaustibility, a sort of fatigue, but energy too;
no family members with any of this,
no HLA-B27;
no reduced iron;
almost nothing in X-Rays (a little bit of osteochondrosis in neck and lower back) (using mayoclinic, healthline). C’d be the “axial type” (German site), since my first rheum. got my lower back checked for spondylitis but it cd’n’t be found, and you can’t see anything on my skin, but I can feel it.
Bottom line: I have a bit of everything. I got 7 points on a German questionnaire of a support society (GEPARD), and 4 w’d’ve been enough if I had psoriasis (which hasn’t been diagnosed tho). Definitely needs to be watched. I’ll ask all relevant docs that cross my way. Since my 1st and 2nd rheum. don’t seem helpful, I’d try a 3rd one. Seems hard to heal anyway, but good to know… It can increase cardiovascular disease. The meds usually used (NSAIDs, DMARDs, or biologics (biological DMARDs), steroids, immunesuppressants) w’d either hurt me or reduce my immune system. Diclofenac in January didn’t help, neither did ‘all’ vitamins (however not B3; & minerals). I already have to use omega 3 and and extremely healthy diet. I don’t tolerate turmeric. I’m doing sports. My grade of disability might increase which might have a small work (1h/w) & small financial benefit. - My wife to a short summary of PsA replied: Sounds like you want a new diagnosis… - sounds like I’m hypochondriac. But I’m not worrying, I’m interested, a bit fascinated and I’d do that for someone else, in fact I did. I once knew a boy with very difficult symptoms Parents & docs were at a loss. Internet was fairly new, but I knew my way around and was finally pretty sure that he had “Primary ciliary dyskinesia” (then called immotile ciliary syndrome). I told the parents, they went to the docs, and I was right. And I researched for my colleague who struggled with pain & fatigue a few years before me, and wasn’t sure if it was Fibro, so I suggested CFS too, and found an interesting mail to her showing I was getting exhausted quicker 2016-09-24). She has scalp psoriasis and Hashimoto and dry hair & eyes.