JayCS’s Fibro Blog

Yup, sort of the 2nd one. It’s not the work that’s been stressing me out, it’s the time pressure, getting things done in time and now to get it done faster. So at the moment it’s not compatible. The solution is that I’m doing things too well, e.g. writing the people I’m working with too much personal feedback, which w’dn’t possible and I w’dn’t do if I weren’t in home office. I’m trying to keep everybody’s spirits up in the lockdown, but it’s getting my spirits down… So far this week I’ve changed quite a few things, so I’m hoping it’s gonna work out.
Well I am doing the twisty stretchy thing all the time, wherever I am. :smirk: No-one sees me in home office, but while playing table tennis, at the grocery check-out, in the bus and in church services. I’m pretty sure lots of people are staring, my table tennis pal is used to a lot, but had to comment the new movement the other day too (he’s slightly self-conscious that way, cringes a bit inside, poor soul). But you wdn’t guess - yes you would - “I don’t care, I self-care”! (Darn, can’t find a meme!) So I don’t even look. So it’s a great social phobia confrontation exercise too, it’s a real all-rounder this one… :smirk_cat:

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