JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2021-03-24, Wednesday

Sleep: 2mg melatonin at 20:00 21:15- 22:55p 1:25 (no headache, slight nausea & heartburn & bowel mov.) 4:15p realistic dream of having to prepare for an exam, uneasy stomach. robin → ear plugs. 5:35-45 hot flush, tooth ache, burning stomach → muesli → tooth ache more (, achy eyes), feverish, bow.mov. 6:00-6:30 burning stomach → Gastritol and Gastricumeel -7:20 10h05-1h= 9h05
Nap: 16:25-17:20= 55’ + 17:30-18:15=45’ → 10h45
Work: 2h.
Activities: Table tennis 5:1, first fully agile, then a longer rally hurt my arms - now I know why table tennis works. 18:40 carried an old mattress.
Feeling well: 8:00: 90%, but feels like skating on thin ice. 9:30: 60% after table tennis 12:00 60% 14:00 60/70% while and after working a bit.16:15 50% Very tired → nap 17:30 50%. 18:30 50%.
Treatment: 8:00 24h-blood pressure & 24h-ECG.
Pain: Tooth ache, probably cos of the dental cleaning yesterday, cf. diagnoses (canker sore?).
Gut: 1:25 slight nausea, heartburn & bowel movement 4:15 uneasy stomach 5:35 hungry & bow.mov. Hungry even after herbs & eating, but better after hot spelt cushion.

OK, Melatonin side effects revisited:

“In rare cases it could give you a sore stomach , but this would more than likely be due to taking too large of a dosage.” (Melatonin for Acid Reflux – Is it Effective? | Wipeout Reflux)

And this is all from https://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/a19611716/melatonin-side-effects:
Nausea, constipation, and an upset stomach are all common reactions to medication, and could come with taking melatonin.”
The biggest side effect that comes with melatonin is actually grogginess. “It’s like a hangover,” says Salas. That feeling of grogginess or not wanting to to get up is something that’s often associated with sleep aids. “That’s just really the nature of the game of promoting sleepiness,” she says. “In some individuals, the sleep effect can hang around in the body a little bit longer—their body may not process the supplement as quickly, and so they’re still experiencing the effects when they wake up,” says Salas.
“Your body naturally produces a surge in melatonin around 7 p.m.” “That’s why it’s really meant to be taken at sundown, to help boost your body’s natural production and send your brain the message that bedtime is coming,” he explains. “If not taken properly, it can actually make it harder to sleep.”
“The ingredients in a drug or supplement can change—even what’s holding the tablet or the capsule together—and that could cause irritation in your GI system,” says Salas. She often warns her patients to avoid buying melatonin in bulk until their know how their body is going to react. “You might have GI effects with one brand versus another, so it’s worth waiting to see what happens before committing to a specific supplement.”
“When people take a new drug or supplement, prescribed or not, their bodies may react differently and headaches are a typical response to that,” says Salas.
Timing matters here because if your body isn’t on the right sleep schedule (i.e. you’re taking the melatonin late and still waking up early), you could end up waking up during deeper REM sleep, which would leave you feeling headachy.

More from: Dangerous Side Effects of Melatonin You Must Know About (not well written tho):
One of the side effects of long term usage of Melatonin is weight gain in the body. (cortisol also.) Takes 15-20 mins to kick in, so take 20-30 mins. before.
To get drowsiness down in the mornings, I take it a lot earlier. High blood pressure, constipation and stomach cramps are here said to usually come after 2 years of use, not 2 days…

Here "Side Effects Of Melatonin: 8 Groups Should Avoid Taking Melatonin - Terry Cralle and elsewhere is said that the amount in supps may often be up to 4x as much as stated, so careful changing products.
I’m taking prescribed 2mg, not supps, so I can trust the amount.
Digestive issues – when it comes to melatonin side effects, vomiting and digestive issues seem to be rather common. The onset of these side effects is generally reported right after people start taking melatonin. It seems that melatonin can activate the receptors in the gastrointestinal tracts, and in turn cause some digestive disorders.
Does that now mean I should continue taking it or not?

Cardiovascular issuesstudies show that sleep medications and supplements containing melatonin induce arrhythmias and cardiovascular issues in patients who never had these health problems. There have also been cases of palpitations lasting for several weeks, as well as moderate hypotension or low blood pressure in children.
Whoopsy:I’m getting ECGs all today and tomorrow, plus blood pressure, so maybe I shdn’t take it tonight?

Restless legs syndromestudies show that melatonin intake can worsen restless legs syndrome or the RLS. It can even play a role in the occurrence of RLS and aggravate the symptoms. The aggravation of the symptoms usually occurs in the evening or at night, when the melatonin secretion and effects take place.
hmm, it’s not really my unrest that’s getting worse, altho my psychiatrist has suggested I might have RLS or something similar, even tho his sleep lab tests didn’t show that

A forum with 5 pages of people reporting strong diarrhea and cramping!
Has anyone experienced diarrhea with Melatonin use?

Diagnoses: My dentist yesterday suggested the tooth ache might have been a canker sore/mouth ulcer (German: Aphthe). Just had a look what that means. Haven’t found anything white tho. And it’s hurting more and more again…