JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2021-03-28, Sunday

Sleep: (1 drop of CBD oil at 20:00) 21:40- 0:35p10’ nose slightly closed (CBD oil) 4:10p20’ hungry. 6:45p10’ 8:45 hot water bottle instead of added blanket worked - probably hypothermia due to the sleep effect of the CBD oil (as I’ve read of melatonin too; I was feeling cold, but the added blankets didn’t help, but I’d also left the heating on a bit, may have dried the air) -9:10 (time change corrected). 11h30-45= 10h45, 4x
Nap: 0
Work: 0
Activities: Tidying up paper stuff quite a bit, very stiff. Table tennis 4:2, Ache.
Feeling well: 70% at night, and still OK-ish, stiff, tired, so 70%. 17:15 20% cos of Ache after table tennis. → rest. But 18:30 back up to 70%
Treatment: 1 drop of CBD oil for the 5th? time. Still keep reading up on melatonin, if I shd take it again, but for a while longer before making my mind up. Read up on D-Ribose and LDN again, but there is just too little evidence for these. HBO hyperbaric oxygen therapy is something new I’ve been reading of, there are quite a few pubmed articles on it, incl. this positive meta-study/summary from 2020:

This from 2019

and this old one from Tel Aviv 2004:

Places in Germany I’ve found which offer this are
Zentrum für Hyperbare Sauerstofftherapie & 3 places in the area of Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Heidelberg https://www.hbo2.de/
Pain: No mouth guard: ‘Tooth’ at night 3x, 10x in the daytime. Ache 6 of 7 after table tennis, but down to 1/2 soon after.
Gut: Hunger at night from CBD oil was OK after drinking soy milk. Wind, I think after mouth guard during table tennis.
Diagnoses: My left leg has often been having that warm nerve feeling of late, 4x today.