JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2021-04-03, Saturday

Sleep: 22:10- 1:05dry15’ 4:15dry Why no need to pee?! But thirst? Cos of palpating? Tried it again, but altho no gut problems, my belly hurts and is bloated! Almost no pee pain tho. Veeeery interesting! :face_with_monocle: The palpations released the wind, no belly hurt any more :white_check_mark:. 5:05i1h20’ Also treated my elbows, wrists and jaw with arnica cream. Great idea, as the pain is going down. Daft idea for my jaw as now my tooth is hurting again. Longer break, shd be OK now. 7:35 hungry & gurgling - cos of palpations? Ate. 10’ 10:55 tired, pee not nec., but did, no pee pain. -11:25 13h15-1h55= 11h20, up 5x Maybe more if I’d gone earlier and hadn’t taken the long break of 1h20. Need to keep it as long as nec, but somehow earlier soon. Heavy eyes and head. Palpating & exercising helps a bit. Not needing to pee upon waking.
Nap: 0, despite tiredness & feverishness
Work: 0
Activities: New aim: How many hours? Including cycling. Housework: 12:00-13:10, some sweaty, but OK, task-switching every 5’.+5’ Phone-call 15’. Washing & drying hair 7x3’=20’. Table tennis incl. 10’ cycling 1h35, 3:5 foggy, slow reactions, bit better after activating my ear cortisol point. Cycling around 30’ - too cold, tired, foggy, feverish. 3h55. Enough.
Feeling well: Night: 80%- 16:30 30%- after table tennis,
Treatment: Arnica complex cream seems to be helping elbows & wrists, even after waking. Belly palpations seem to be reducing pee sensitiveness and pee pain, but setting wind free.
Pain: Sleep: 0-1, bit of tooth, only back stretching nec. in bed. Tooth again after cold cycling .
Gut: Sleep: Bit of belly, probably wind: Soy/dairy? CBD? Pee and pee pain? Not much at all!

  1. How long can my activities be per day (altogether and per stint). I’d told someone 4h and suddenly thought: How optimistic is that?
  2. How is more drink with pee and pee pain during the day, now using palpations.
  3. Keep at CBD oil for how long? At least 2 weeks, my wife & my acupressurist say, Started Thursday evening of Mar 25th., so this Saturday evening is the 9th time.