JayCS’s Fibro Blog

Highlights and lowlights of the week - June 20th to 26th

  1. Status: Continual Flare? :fire: “Stabilizing at a low level”. As I wrote longer on Thursday: The % I’m writing how I’m “feeling” is only on a physical level. Inside I feel 95-100% well most of the time.
  2. Guinea pig :guinea::pig:: GABA :pill: is still working well, still 1x750mg capsule, adding Mg the night before Saturday - high hopes there. If that doesn’t decrease my night breaks, I’m thinking of trying tiny amounts of L-glutamine (not glutamic acid), gotta watch out for my seizures again tho.
  3. Sleep: :sleeping_bed: :bed: Amounts: 10h38 9h55 9h05 9h35 8h58 8h10(+1h05) 7h05 has decreased, unsure why. 6:20 seemed OK again, despite me thinking I needed a long lie in “soon”, but the flare on Friday, with an achey night may’ve been a result, can’t see any other reason. Surprisingly good Saturday (80%, but effortless table tennis) and (spoiler:) Sunday (80%) & Monday (90%).
  4. Sleep breaks: Only 12’ of breaks in the night before Thursday! - extreme self-discipline plus luck :fast_forward: weirdest thing thing week. Looking for a clearer protocol what to do when, i.e. cold shower in the first sleep break, repeat if nec.
  5. Pillows: need to swap some nights (then all night).
  6. Lying at night as well as sitting in the daytime is both much more harrowing :grimacing: than I realized, as I’d been ignoring these pain/discomfort-types. Both are associated with “all of my rear end”. Acupressure is doing something for a few hours, but it isn’t having an effect on these two yet, my loins are still good tho, stairs usually no problem any more. Still have high hopes it can do more. This involves a lot of invisible things, like cushions, seats, the build of my bikes…
  7. :ping_pong: Table tennis was very hard on Thurs + Fri, pretty effortless on the other days. If it’d been lack of sleep then Sat wdntve worked out.
  8. Big long stint of fibro-work on my references at last was good for my soul, like I’d inferred last week. Bit exasperating that I won’t be able to link as much as I’d planned :grimacing:, but I’m hoping that it’ll be easy to simplify, because many treatments are not that specific.
  9. Over an hour of loud talking at work is still too much, Monday showed.
  10. (RR seemed OK, need to check more: spoiler: good, despite having stopped candesartan.)

Any ideas?