2021-10-02, Saturday (v3: 19:35) - 4 things sorted out in one night
: very short sleep, without passiflora: serrapeptase & tryptophan no help. Shdve tried melatonin, but revisiting that’s the only thing left for sleep anyway. Lavender gel unclotted nostril!
Backlash came severely in the afternoon, after trying to do 4h of activities…
Not taking passiflora (3 capsules left, but only tried one at 6) cut night into wake/doze, can’t’ve been much more than 3h of sleep. Nothing helped, like a 2nd cold shower. Neither did serrapeptase (like it does my colleague), not tryptophan. So that settles that, including the idea of my now-unfortunately-ex-psychiatrist that my body may have got used to night being night. It has NOT. Got some new different passiflora before going back to the stuff before and now last try will be small increasing doses of encapsulated melatonin. Bottom line is that it’s mainly passiflora that helps me sleep. (But GABA + theanine too). Just seen that it’s got glucose & sucrose in them, which I don’t want/need, so I’ll definitely be back to the capsules.
Triggers & resulting Symptoms
SLEEP: 7h40-1h15=6h25, up 8x (1h15), all dozing was pretty awake (thinking, never dreaming), so real sleep only 22:40-1:47=1h20+1h47=3h07. ➔ Feeling 90% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅
FCS p1 22:40-
00:12 4’ 90%/1 p1 st1 drink fw2’: 0x289mg passiflora, 600mg GABA & 400mg L-glutamine & "400"mg tryptophan & 300 !theanine
1:47 3’ 90%/1 p1 st1 drink fw1’ + serrapeptase! doze//AuTr, dry mouth: lips. Clotted nostril: Changed nostrils plus lavender gel under nose!
2:10 3’ 90%/1 p0 st1 fw1’, dry mouth: gel. + 2nd serrapeptase doze/AuTr
2:38 4’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’, "400"mg tryptophan
2:54 7’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’, neither serrapeptase nor tryptophan is helping, at least not quickly enough, so FCS#2. heartburn from added tryptophan → soy drink. Doze/sleep.
4:33-5:23 50’ 6, p0 doze
5:47 3’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ zinc, serrapeptase, SAMe. doze/AuTr
5:57 1’ 1x passiflora… doze/AuTr
-6:20, wide awake & active, very hungry from the added tryptophan
Sum: 1h20+6h20-(4+3+3+4+7+50+3+1=)1h15=7h40-1h15=6h25, up 8x (1h15), all dozing was much awaker than usual (thinking, never dreaming), so real sleep only 22:40-1:47=1h20+1h47=3h07, i.e. 3h18 doze-waking
ACTIVITIES ➔ ACHE: Dead tired & feverishy achey, but active (body cortisol) & relaxed ➔ 90%/2, 2 shops 2x20' ➔ 90%/2, 25' hedge trimming no problem ➔ 90%/1, keeping in the flow: TT still no problem ➔ 90%/2, but then a visit to a friend's big wild garden got too long, wind, headache, despite taking great care to be careful... ➔ 50%/3-5 (body 3, headache 3-5 from 17:00-21:00...)
Ache = also Exhaustion/Tired
➔ ?90%/1
Cycle➔ exhaustion, also as action➔pains;
TT = Table-Tennis➔ easy or effortless or strained or tough?
talk/meetings here (and actions➔pains?)
ACTIONS ➔ PAINS: Lying ✅, standing ✅, loins ✅, sitting ✅, arms up ✅, neck stiffness 90° ✅, stiffness after poses ✅❌🧐, walking ✅❌🧐, cycling ✅, bladder 2xp1-2 at night ✅, GI: esophagus block at 21:40 (tofu & soy joghurt; had to get the !latter out again, too painful🧐) ✅❌, talking ✅
Lie ➔ LBU = lower back unrest, hunchback, Neck, thighs, elbows, itch, cold/hot, nose stuffy
Stand ➔ Legs, back
Knees up ➔ right loin
Arms up ➔ pain
Sit ➔ Backside, lower back
Pose ➔ stiffness (Stiffness after holding a posture): Time 0-60’’, pain amount if faster.
Walk ➔ Elbows, feet, right knee
Cycle ➔ Feet, knees, backside, elbows, hands, neck
Drink ➔ Pee frequency, pain before peeing (p0-6).
Eat ➔ Esophagus block, stomach, gut, rectum, stool (IBSD?). GI for short
Talk➔Jaw (& Ache)
Mask-talk ➔ not sure how to describe it, just plain yucky.
SELF-PHYSIO: 1h36 ✅, fibro-work (fw) 1h20
Timing, AuTr 60’, hunchback-pillow 10’, cold shower 2x(10’), yoga 8’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, twist-stretch 3’, marionette-hang 5’,
neck 1+ 9’, neck 2 10’, loins 5’, gums 2x30’’, thumbnails 10x30’’, V ‘, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, HWB 3’, workout 7’
fw: Night: 7’ + 20’ + 20’ +30 +…*
Acupressure / Therapy, Doc/Diagnoses ?
Acupressure 2h Tues & 2h Fri:
Supps to KEEP UP: amounts, spacing everything out/reducing: Evenings: selene, rosewort/Mg carbonate/B1, SLEEP: 4x passiflora (spaced out), tryptophan (spaced), theanine (spaced) ✅ WAKE/FOG: +8h theanine + GABA ✅ & PAIN (ACHE; stiffness?): 8:00 mg malate 5:00 etc. serrapeptase. Glutamine? ✅. 5:30 SAMe, serrapeptase & zinc (on empty stomach), 8:00 GABA, theanine & malate, 15:45 D-Ribose 2nd malate, 18:05 serrapeptase
For heartburn: Almonds first.
Supps TAKEN TODAY: Passiflora is defo nec., praps keep to sth. like 3+1 after all. Adding 2x120 ginkgo to wake up, didn't help either, D-Ribose 400mg for energy? (but isn't that exploiting, after little sleep)
/21:05 0!x289 passiflora, selene, rosewort/magnesium carbonate/B1 at meal, "400"mg tryptophan
/22:40 600mg GABA
/00:13 !0x289 passiflora & !300mg theanine & !600mg GABA & !500mg L-glutamine & "400"mg tryptophan
/1:50 !serrapeptase instead of passiflora and lavender gel
/2:10 !serrapeptase instead of passiflora
/2:40 !"400"mg tryptophan
/5:50 SAMe (empty tummy!), 1 zinc, serrapeptase
/6:00 passiflora no help, too late…
/10:00 !600 GABA + !500mg theanine, !2x400 malate. !2x120 ginkgo
/15:45 D-Ribose! 2nd 2x malate
/18:05 serrapeptase
Supps UP NEXT: NAC (not NADH/+!) for mitochondria, oxygen, praps reduces glutamine. +STIFFNESS/Bladder: If increasing GABA/glutamine didn't help - now less? 🧐 ACHE: Carry on with serrapeptase, and order. 🧐 Mumijo seems anti-inflammatory & good for IBS: order. +WAKE/FOG/FATIGUE: 1) Ribose 2) 3) ALC (I have LC: orally or injected?) 4) NADH/+ 5) glycine. +SLEEP: Melatonin (short half life) praps similarly spaced out in self-made capsules. A) Schüssler B) SUPPS C) MEDS Info:
A Homeopathy: Schüssler 2, 4, & 7 (need 3-6 months sez my acupressurist).
B SUPPS: Amino acids, Enzymes, Minerals, Vitamins
Amino acids: +B6 (as P5P), +Zn, +lithium orotate, more glutamine?, SAMe, glycine
1+2 Balancing GABA & glutamine: 1 Healthfully B6, 2 Perkins: Lithium orotate, Zn, 3 Jockers strange doses!? 4 Levy: vitamin B6, as P-5'-P?
1.1 Healthfully: tyrosine, tryptophan, B6, high complex carb early, low protein late"]
1.2 Zn Cynthia Perkins:: Low (<50mg) carb paleo, high animal protein; (Mg) Zn <40mg, lithium orotate 125-200mg, glycine often excitatory; praps, or not: taurine, vit. B6, SAMe, NAC, theanine"]
Glutamine/dopamine for stiffness/gait?!?: Low Dopamine in Fibromyalgia and CFS
SAMe: 400-800mg in the mornings, as stimulating, not much research.
SAMe - #2 by Anne (Sheila, links: Sahelian & webmd, now plus gapa)"]
NAC sleep -2400mg, better or worse
(N-acetylcysteine) as I wrote here (better liposomal) as glutamate antagonist and to help sleep is mentioned on the last link (CFS/ME, with fibromites there too) suggest 1800 or 2400 mg, whilst more causes - again - diarrhea. The last person on that page also says “I elevated my glutamate / GABA levels with excess taurine” and very importantly “Once elevated Glutamate seems to be slow to rebalance” - got to watch that!
NAC = N-Acetylcysteine
Mitochondrial Enhancers for ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Pt IV: N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) - Health Rising Antioxidant, normalize glutathione, 500-3600mg, sfx diarrhea, nausea, dry mouth.
https://www.elizabethpavka.com/nutrition-articles/nutrient-articles/NAcetylCysteineforDepression,Fibromyalgie,IBS,Cancer%20Prevention,DetoxificationandMore.pdf anti-oxidant and detoxification, IBS & FMS
The future: intranasal?
Are Intranasal Drugs the Future for ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia? - Health Rising
GI-Sfx! blood thinner (good)! Fibromyalgia - N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) Benefits and Side Effects | Health Rising's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia Forums
Cysteamine and Cystamine? Therapeutic Applications of Cysteamine and Cystamine in Neurodegenerative and Neuropsychiatric Diseases - PubMed
NADH/NAD+ B3-coenzyme for energy & post exertional malaise.
Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALC)?: Drink as liquid… Or ask sleep lab psychiatrist to inject it? ALC’s helping Jemima feel alert, dose: 2x750mg, for no sfx keep under 3000. Needs to be Acetyl for the brain she sez. Question about kinds of pain | Page 2 | Fibromyalgia Forum.
D-Ribose: muscle fatigue, ATP; GI-sfx, so keep under 500mg; little evidence.
Zinc again (bloods are in the middle)? Watch out for the sfx!
Magnesium - glycinate yes or no? malate? “60mg” carbonate in the roseroot?
Increase rose root from 1x200mg to 2 or 3 for serotonin etc. as well as blood pressure (normal now)?
Vitamin B12 injections again?
Vitamin B6 as P5P?
Vitamin C ultra-high dose 7,5g, to be put in 250ml NaCl solution & injected - if I can ever find someone to inject it.
Mumijo (origin unclear) for chronic pain (as well as IBS): Mumijo attenuates chemically induced inflammatory pain in mice - PubMed (2015)
Anti-ulcer activity: Ulcer healing activity of Mumijo aqueous extract against acetic acid induced gastric ulcer in rats - PubMed (2015)
German link: Mumijo – Das schwarze Naturheilmittel
Bentonite or medicinal clay never stopped my gastric acidity in my twens.
C MEDS repeat?: levodopa, blood fat meds, blood pressure
levodopa: repeat 50mg (100mg seemed to increase LBU),
Ezetimibe+atorvastatin if blood fats don’t stay down - smaller dose if at all?
Candesartan if blood pressure doesn’t stay down.
D) RELAX: A bit more Yoga Nidra on youtube.
E) MERIDIANS: real Chinese-trained acupuncture? Pardon Our Interruption
F) DOC Fibro-doc 200km from here?
G) REPEAT? Again in specks/diluted: Melatonin, 10% CBD oil, 5-HTP, ashwagandha.
Never ever been a supp junkie/nut. I always had the feeling many people were taking them without feeling a difference, just because someone has a hypothesis that it should work. Now it seems such a lot of supps I’m taking, bit of a jungle, but I’m sorting them out, getting the hang of them and just having to test them all. I’m already taking 13, most of which are definitely helping and (only) about 4 more (NAC, NADH/+, Mumijo and ALC) are coming up. Not too fast… ;D. Remember there are lots of supps I have ditched after trying them several times, those that aren’t perceptibly working will be ditched (except D3), also supps & diet have enabled me to stop taking blood pressure & blood fat reducers and blood thinners.
When I compare where I am and where I was in April there is a continual excellent improvement, despite the fact that I’m still nowhere near “50%”. All setbacks, incl. CBD oil & melatonin in March/April have lead to this.
This is the alphabetical list of capsules I'm taking at the moment. I've put them in a circle on a small table - that way they are taking up "too much room", showing how they are at the moment taking up a lot of time. Needs to be rationalized more. I've put them back in their small cardboard box again...
N-acetylcystein (NAC): Up next: FM, anti-inflammatory
GABA: Relaxes muscles, esp. my bladder, stiffness, sleep and 7 more
L-Glutamin: antagonist for dopamine vs. GABA’s serotonin.
Magnesium malate: FM muscles.
Passiflora: Greatly improves sleep breaks & depth.
D-Ribose: Direct energy.
Roseroot: Blood pressure, relaxing, (anxiety)
SAMe: Energy.
Selen: Thyroid.
Serrapeptase: Ache, inflammation.
L-Theanine: Sleep effectivity and reduces length.
L-Tryptophan: Doesn’t help sleep, stopping it.
Vitamin D3: Overall.
Zinc (picolinate): inflammation
Lessons in self-care #81 Stopping passiflora seemed so slight, but caused such a big smash.
Reasons to be cheerful #85 This is all worth it in the end. Backlashes now are only short.
- Highlights week 20th to 26th.
- My “How to symptom track & trigger hunt”
- Next up: Finishing off the treatment list & spreading that.
Abbreviations & explanations
Entries start with night meds & sleep, before triggers/symptoms & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.
Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments
My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.
TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD
’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.
SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i
slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.
ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"
TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.
SUPPS: supplements (as opposed to herbs & meds). Fx: Effects. Sfx: Side effects.
SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)
The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “
” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache
cold fast shower “
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
FAT Flash/fast autogenic training: immediate image of dreamy floating in space or liquid from jaw to legs.
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again enough so I’ve not only stopped lercanidipine, but also candesartan and am checking RR regularly.
“V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
twist-stretching more for the loins
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