Job application

So about a week ago I sent in an application to a local Casey's as part of my sticking it to fibro thing. I was really pumped up, maybe even excited about working. Then my friend who works at Casey's told me they were gonna call me and were seriously thinking about hiring me. That's when it hit me that I really REALLY didn't want the job. I just applied so other people (really critical people) would see I at least tried. I mean I have basically no work experience and no GED I didn't think they would really consider me when half the town applied.

So I waited by the phone feeling sick. All the things that could go wrong kept popping into my head. I could get fibro fog (which happens a lot) and forget how to make a sandwich. Or someone could call and order a pizza and I just wouldnt be able to understand their words. How could I stand for up to 8 hours working in a kitchen. I must of been crazy to apply! I can't even stand for 10 minutes! I begged a higher power to make them forget to call me. I was completely hysterical all day. Then I talked (cried mostly) to my friend and he said he suggested to the management that I work cash register so I didn't have to stand all day and that I already knew how to work one so I would be fine. I felt better and now I'm just wondering why I freaked out SO bad. Not only was I freaking out but I was aching and got a headache and just felt horrible. Today I feel perfectly fine. Has anyone else had a flare up that was caused by something emotional and made them emotionally unbalanced? Or am I just crazy?

I'm right there w with you! Friday evening our 17 yr old told his gf he wanted to take. Break. Well she didn't like or accept that at alll,, around 8:15 she stormed into our home, busted into my stepsons bedroom and started flipping out on him. Hs dad and I were watching a movie in the living room. (We have a rancher so its very close to bedrooms). I heard her screaming and then I heard a thump. I at this point sent my husband into his bedroom as I knew Kyuiler would be about ready to flip as he kniws how upset I get when there is fighting, My husband askedvhenr 3 times to leave, she continued vying act like she was nuts screaming and crying. kyler called her father who is the cheif f police in the township next to ours, her dad told her to leave and come home. This girl was really freakingout screaming and so on..... my hubby and son explained to her how much this type of thing upsets me she kept it up for over almost 2 hrs! Finally my husband n kyler escorted er out the front. Door which attracted attention from ur neighbrs who thought that he was being harmed ! My husband called her dad and explained the issue. That night and next day I was in complete chaos. I know how stress can do mean things to our body! Hugs to you, jackie

Holy cats Jackie. That girl is nuts. It's no wonder your son wanted to end it with her. Heck,.. I would have to at his age. At my age now, I don't bother with the idea of dating at all. ha ha

I hate to tell you this but,.. you are NORMAL (smiles). Our brain often wants to do more than what our body will let us. Then, when the realism sets in, we come to our senses and realize we can't do the things the way we wish we could. I believe your fears were/are very legitimate. All you can do is try it and see how it works out for you. Who knows? It could turn out to be a blessing in disguise or.. you may learn you can't do it. And if you can't, so what? Then you'll know and maybe it will shut up the critical people you mentioned. Either way it goes - I believe you will have a positive outcome from this. Everything we do is a learning lesson in one form or another. :)

Oh. To answer your question:/ Yes. When I get over stressed my whole body gets out of whack. My pain increases, my tremors get more frequent, my vision gets blurry and so on, and so on. Basically, my body becomes a train wreck. Stress is one of my biggest enemies. Which is a problem I never had till I got ill.

I seriously understand, I sometimes panic, am I going to forget this, or do something wrong, forget who they are, or who I am. I have weird episodes and things set me off into an anxiety flare too. Hang in there, and good luck with the new job, I think working helps me keep focused, I also look at it as I’m still needed, so as long as I don’t make any stupid mistakes, or forget what m doing, I will continue to work.

Hi Hannah and welcome!

Nope, that's not crazy AT ALL. Your concerns were based upon actual facts. Especially the inability to stand for eight hours straight. However, most places make cashiers stand as well. That's why I left one job where i was supposed to be a pet trainer, because they stuck me on the cash register and wouldn't let me sit down. As long as you're allowed to sit down, that should help.

And please try to emotionally tuck those critical people into a far corner of your mind because they DO NOT help with your well being. They seriously don't. And if you let them, they will push you into doing other things that are painful and maybe even harmful to your health. I know it's not easy but you'll feel much, much better when you listen to your own voice inside because you and it know best what you can and cannot do.

I hope things work out well for you!



I was going to write about my job process but this idiot is yelling in my ear about hating Islam and I think I am going to scream! I just have to type this so I don’t get violent. Offensive people make me so angry!

Ask him if he has a mute button so you can push it. Then see what he says. Ha Ha I don't have time for angry and offensive people either. :)

Wow, agreed! But then again, teens' hormones are jumping all over the place, telling them to do really stupid things. I hope you and your family are doing okay today, Jackie, and that the little Miss is also doing better in her neck of the woods. Siiiigh, first love can be extremely tough.