So due to monetary circumstances... I have a job interview monday. I will get the job no doubt. Good company, good benefits, etc... now i worry how will i handle working and the house. i know i have help at home with the hubby but i am still scared. up and run run run to work. the thought hurts! ohh i am sure it will be fine. I just don't remember how I did it. 3 kids and work full time and school full time. What the heck? Now i worry how i will even get out of bed in the morning. Just do it i guess.
Hi, I have a hubby 3 kids a full time job and I’m trying to study key word trying I’m behind at the moment, it is hard. I find it harder in the morning trying to get out of bed and get ready once I’m there its not as bad, will you be on your feet all day or sitting? My job I’m on my feet standing all day and by 12pm I’m ready for bed I’m tired and sore. My husband and I take turns in cooking but if I can’t do it when it’s my turn he will do it. I would like to get out of my current job and find one were I can sit and stand hence the reason I’m studying, but i’am scared when I do swap jobs cause if you tell a boss you have fibro they probably wouldn’t hire me. I wish you all the best I’m sure you will do well. As long as you get help and support from home you will be fine. Take care. Melissa
Hi Ciarawyn,
I have the same exact fears! I think once you get through the first day, everything will fall into place. Once you get a feel for the job and how things work, and find the little things you can do to make things easier on you there, it will give you a little more confidence. The fear of the unknown is always the worst part, and when you see that you CAN get out of bed and do this all with a smile on your face, you'll be fine! (Now if I can talk myself into the same thing...)
We're all here rooting for you -- you should be very proud of yourself for being able to handle all that you do!
Good Luck!
Good luck! Sometimes when I am busy I dont notice the pain so much. Maybe some things will have to slide, till retirement. lol
I understand. When I started back working, three years ago, I was terrified that I was going to have a flare up and not be able to meet the commitment I made. So, I told myself "You can do this for one month. Just hang in there for one month." Then when that worked out OK, I told myself "You can hang in there for three months more." Here I am now, three years later, still hanging in there! I also frequently chanted "Good is good enough" over and over in my head. All said and done I actually feel better with the distraction that work provides.
Good luck to you!
PS: I did NOT tell my boss about my fibro. I did not want to draw attention to myself in that way. It isn't effecting my performance so.... If it gets to where my performance is effected then I probably need to stop working.
Well I hope you get the job sounds like a good deal with the benefits and all. That’s great! : )
I will pray that things go smoothly for you with as low of stress as possible! I admire you for putting yourself out there. Your gonna do great! : )
Good luck to you hon. I’m sending you positive thoughts. Just don’t do anything past your hours.
thank you all for the encouragement. i will not say a word about my physical condition. it is a sit down job. it is the baby i worry about most. the house a mess and all. that causes me more stress than work.
Mabey if you come up with a plan before you start work it will help ease the anxiousness your feeling. Do you think your husband would be willing to pitch in?
I work too and it’s not easy. I live alone so everything is on me. Luckily, I have an ideal job for my situation. I do on call after hours nursing and work one week and off the next. It’s full-time with benefits. Can’t do a day job anymore so I took this job when it opened up. Good Luck
Congratulations on your new Appointment and I hope that your transition goes well. We of course know of you great contributions but.a
Good luck with the job interview on Monday. You are fortunate to have the support of your husband. Many do not have that. I don't know what I would do without my husband. He is a saint! I am sure you will do fine. Keep us posted!
My hat is off to you. I had to give up working a year ago and was lost for a long time. I can’t imagine having to go back so I am wishing you all the strength needed to go forward. Best wishes.
Hello, I agree with you about not saying anything to your boss about our condition most people don’t understand and only worry how it will effect your work and there fore them not you.not sure if I have written anything not very computer lit; this was a gift from my daughter and its realy been a blessing since being diagnosed with fibro especially finding this web site and realising that I am not alone…sadly
You are not the only one with a house that is a mess… Anyone that is healthy and has a small baby has a house that is a mess unless they have full time help. So don"t beat your self up about it. Just do the best you can do day by day.and try not to worry about it…
ohh he's a gem. he'll help, which is a major part of my worry... lol. I can see shrunken business suits in the dryer and half of the house put away in the wrong place. lol I hope he remembers children need naps and lunch. I just know that i don't like frozen chicken nuggets for dinner when all i have had all day is a sandwich of yucky ham and cheese... so see i bring these worries on myself. it actually works pretty well. he is now working fri sat and sun - 40 hrs and has the week off where i will probably be mon-fri so that leaves only 1 day needing a sitter.
fatigue is my biggest concern. as long as i can wiggle at my desk i can manage work. it is home that is stressin me.
Oh that’s awesome that you have such a supportive husband! I think with that kind of support things will be better than you think. Had to chuckle about the part of things being in the wrong place around the house. If I had this support I’m pretty sure I would be seeing the same thing : ) hope you have a great weekend !
HAHA!! I bet my mother in law would like that! Not that her house is messy but she has great priorities!.
I agree about not telling them about the FIBRO. Even today I am very selective with the people I tell and I have been with the company for 17 years. I usually say I have the flu or migrane and go from there. If it impacts my performance, at that time I will tell my manager. Until then I don't want them to have that doubt about my performance.
I was recently told the contractor we have hired for my project had issues and tends to miss work with little notice. At first I was cautious, but I had a talk with her and let her know I understand what she is dealing with and we laid out a plan of action for her. I think because I have similar chronic issues, I could relate, but it still cause doubt in my mind. The good news is she has never missed any deadlines due to her absences so I am not confident we can manage her absences in the future.