Hello all. I recently had a neuropsychological test done. They found that most things were within normal limits . The one area that stood out steadily was that I am slow at processing information. It is believed to be due to pain. For this reason along with my physical limitations, I am now recommended to go on disability. I have been of work for a while now on leave, trying to get all of this figured out. It has been hard because my short term disability has ran out and I can not go back to work, so now I am in that process phase and without income except for my husbands. I am thankful for his . I know it doesn't usually work this way, but I hope this disability process goes through and goes through fast. Any suggestions to help the process are welcome.
Get that in writing, a signature & date of signature!!! Matter of fact get a copy of that test w/the recommendation!!! Start getting copies of all of the tests, dianosis's, xrays, MRI's everything. You are gonna need them!!! Get yourself a good lawyer but not the ones that advertise on the ty & radio.
Others will help you in this, give them time. M
Hi Aimee, I too am scheduled to have a neuropsychological test done and also an MRI on my brain. I have such difficulty processing and remembering or sometimes just thinking straight. Alzheimer’s runs in my family on my dad’s side. I am curious what to expect from this testing and also, was it the neuro psysvologist that made the recommendation for you to seek disability? I appreciate you bringing up this subject. Sometimes it’s hard to know what is caused from Fibro and what might be something completely different. Take care and I look forward to hear more from you.
Barbara K
Thanks for all your replies. Luna , yes, I am getting copies of everything if I don't have them already. Thank you all for the advice and well wishes. Barbara, yes, the psychologist that did the test is the one who recommended that I go on disability. This is due to my slow processing due to pain and my physical limitations. I went through physical and occupational therapies while being off on leave and was recommended after that not to go back to my job already. They wanted this testing done to see what other limitations I had, if I should be working at all, or be placed in a program that helps find people with disabilities a more suitable job. I also had concerns with working when my fibro fog or flare ups become to much of a problem. This is why my testing had to be done. Now I can move on in the process. I have a doctor's apt. next week to see where I go from here I guess.