"Raynaud's phenomenon occurs when the extremities of the body, usually the fingers and toes, change colour and may become painful. It is due to a narrowing (constriction) of the small blood vessels on exposure to the cold, or to a change in temperature, or to emotional stress. In most cases, the cause is not known. In a minority of cases, it is a symptom of an underlying condition such as scleroderma, lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis .It frequently co exists in Fibromyalgia sufferers. The main treatment is to keep warm. Vasodilators are used in some cases".
Please tell us how you cope, what methods or tactics you use to manage symptoms, what help you have been offered, how Raynauds can affect your daily life etc......?
I have never understood why my feet and hands, toes and fingers, forearms and lower leg up to the knees get so cold, I can’t be in aircondition for very long, I’m always wearing socks and I double them at night to sleep in. I have to lay on my hands to keep them warm or twirl them up in the blankets.
When I exercise, these cold parts get warm but after I finish exercising it returns. Taking warm baths help, putting extra clothes on, running warm water of the parts for a few minutes seems to help.
Just the other day my feet were so cold, I sat in the sun with them exposed to the suns rays and my feet and toes hurt so bad while they were warming up. It was like they have frost bite.
I am still wondering if I may have lupus, I don’t really see that in me except that I have that eczema on my face and it looks like the rash shown on people who have lupus.
I notice a symptom everyday from either Raynaulds or Fibro and Hashimoto’s disease. At least one symptom at day from each. And a big mess of things in my head, I always feel like something is wrong with me and I am trying to keep these diseases distinguishable so that I don’t feel so confused about myself.