Low dose Naloxone

Has anyone tried the low dose Naloxone for Fibromyalgia pain? Someone gave me some information on it and it said it was helping alot of fibromyalgia suffers. I tried the regular dose several years ago and it was a nightmare and cause my pain to be out of control. But this treatment is a new approach using low doses of the medication. I would love to hear from anyone who tried it and the results.

Yes, I tried it for about a month. Had no improvement on it so it was discontinued. Now on Lyrica again. Some improvement but gained 8 pounds in a week. Can’t afford that. Good luck if you try the naltrexone. Hope it works for you.

It takes at least 2 months to separate the "placebo effect" from real effect. Most of the reports are at several weeks. The med has some promise but we are far from knowing if its "real yet" Keep in mind to keep from having some really weird side effects, you have to quit everything else ESPECIALLY pain management meds, or your whole system can get so screwed up, it may never get straigtend out....... You can read wahts going on here:


because the drug isn't owned by anyone any longer, good research is hard to come by. Its going to have to be University privately funded. The FMS society has funded some smaller studies. In the meantime PLEASE be careful. There is a "movement" going through the internet that is very misleading. I understand how desperate people can be to rty anything that will help But please wait until the science catches up (GOOD SCIENCE) until it exists always put BOWEL in front of these movements.

I asked my neurologist about trying it. He said that it is not really effective. He is also a friend and colleague so I trust him.

I went to a new Rheumy recently who is at he forefront of research and he said definately get off all narcotics , but it’s showing about a 30% success rate in his practice.