Lynn's Newly Diagnosed Journey

I have just started taking a low dose of Cymbalta. I am seeing mood changes, but not sure about any pain relief. Will update in a few weeks after an increased dose. Please feel free to share your updates about being just diagnosed! I would love to hear your stories. <3


Hi Lynn, thanks for sharing!

I hope duloxetine/Cymbalta goes well, and you tolerate the side effects.
(If not Iā€™d go/stay lower than docs may recommendā€¦)

Iā€™m wondering if a hindsight from me back to when I was just diagnosed would fit here, too, like what was necessary, what I could have done betterā€¦
In short I felt it necessary (I felt obliged to my employer) and unavoidable to give docs/meds a chance for half a year or so, but I started getting better when I was thru with that and do my own thing, tracking, analyzing and influencing symptoms and their triggers / treatments.

I wish you the best on this. Sadly, I have yet to find any prescription that works to control pain for me. A year ago, I finally got to try Lyrica and initially the results were quite good but after a couple of weeks the dose I was taking plateaued. When I asked about raising the dosage, my doctor told me there was no raising of the dosage. From there she suggested Cymbalta and I spent about 2 weeks experiencing nausea. I decided to just stop taking it as the nausea was not easing. I hope it works for you!

If I were hoping any typical meds would help, Iā€™d go for amitriptyline and nortriptyline next, cos they have just as much evidence as duloxetine/Cymbalta and pregabalin/Lyrica. But after lack of success with amitriptyline and before that two Cox2-inhitibors, metamizole and tilidine I decided the docs have had their game with me, but Iā€™m no longer game for them.

Supps didnā€™t help with fibro stuff much, except the amino acid neurotransmitter GABA for serotonin, but other supps helped for other symptoms/diagnoses and these are also some that are supposedly good for fibro.

But the most and best help so far after 4 years of 100s of treatments I have to say is from a med again, however low dosed = LDNā€¦ So I hope you find one that helps you some day. Donā€™t give up until youā€™ve tried the 100s of treatments in all 5 treatment ā€œareasā€!

Do give the Cymbalta a good 6 weeks to work. The only med that worked for me was a combo of Cymbalta with Lyrica. Best of health to you!


I donā€™t think I am noticing much of an effect from the Cymbalta besides maybe some mood stabilizing. What side effects did you have?

I am in a situation where I also feel obliged because I am under military contract to work, though I canā€™t. May I ask for more detail on what you mean by doing your own work at tracking symptoms and such?

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yeah not really any change for me either. I am still going to wait a couple of months but it doesnā€™t seem like the Cymbalta is going to do anything. I may try Lyrica but my employer is government and my insurance is weird about meds like that. I am curious, what was your dosage of Lyrica?
Thank you for the words, kind stranger.


Thank you for all of this information, I have gone down a rabbit hole of looking into drug information, and I have some great things to look into now.

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Sure, Lynn! ĀÆ\ _(惄) __/ĀÆ
If youā€™re up to reading quite a bit, I detailed my experiences on this here: Fibromyalgia References: Triggers, Symptoms, Treatments - & Hunting & Tracking them - #39 by JayCS, on the rest of that thread I have lists of these which help identifying what is possible, and on my daily blog entries over the past >3y yo can see different examples of how I do it, which will be very different to others: JayCSā€™s Fibro Blog

But if you prefer, I could summarize and focus them according to what you need at the moment.

This is a summary of the best review of the main fibro-meds I know to date, incl. links: 2022 review: Amitriptyline compared with pregabalin, duloxetine and milnacipran. 2012-2019: Gabapentin NO evidence!

Iā€™d be glad to help with all further queries!

Iā€™m sorry, I canā€™t remember what my dosage was on the Lyrica. Interesting you mentioned the government employer~ Iā€™m retired military so I use Tri-care and they are crappy about ā€œnewā€ drugs as well.