
I was giving Lyrica last week, I was taking 75 MG then I was switched to 150mg. After taking Lyrica for the past week I feel mind numbing. I feel like I am swimming in water. I have lost some of the pain but feel like I am in slow motion. Does it get better after taking it for a while? I don't feel comfortable driving because I don't think I would be able to react in time. I have had to take two days off of work because I could not function. Just wondering if it gets any better?

I know when I first started it I got incredibly dizzy and disoriented at times. It took about 3-4 weeks but it did improve. I still do feel these things occasionally with it but not as badly.

Hope your symptoms ease soon. I know it can be pretty rough when you're already dealing with a ton of pain.

That's how I feel today disoriented. I feel as though I can't do anything today. Luckily I have my computer to type for me. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to understand anything I was typing. L0L

LOL, welllllll, yeah, I feel like that on a lot of days after I've finished my part-time job. Like I've had a partial lobotomy or something, and all I want to do is stare at the computer screen.

I think it's also the fibro, to be perfectly honest, Amy, although I don't know in your case. But I hope the fogginess abates. I know how aggrevating it is. When I was driving home today, all I could think was that I just wanted to get home to eat and sleep, so I could let go of some of the fogginess and weariness.

I know that the fog is from the fibro because I had it before the Lyrica but now it is intensified. My chair is right by the window so I just stare out the window and watch the leaves blowing on the trees. I feel mesmerized by them, my husband keeps asking me are you all right, I tell him yes I am just daydreaming.

I would call and let your doc know. Maybe he should take you down to 100mg’s. You shouldn’t be lethargic and its going to start affecting your employment. So you need to get it switched. Or maybe to gabapentin. It’s the.grandaddy to to lyrica. My doc refuses to put Me on it cuz of the propensity for weight gain. I’m big enough as is so no need to help it out!

Gentle Hugspunkin

I would call and let your doc know. Maybe he should take you down to 100mg’s. You shouldn’t be lethargic and its going to start affecting your employment. So you need to get it switched. Or maybe to gabapentin. It’s the.grandaddy to to lyrica. My doc refuses to put Me on it cuz of the propensity for weight gain. I’m big enough as is so no need to help it out!

Gentle Hugspunkin

My DR just took me off this, not only did I have some of your symptoms but bad blurry vision as well as weight gain. I'll stick w/cymbalta.... :)

Yeah, I def was like that at first. But sometimes still get that way. I THINK it's due to fatigue now, but not sure.

How long have you been on the Lyrica, Amy? I found that it took me 1-2 months or so to get used to it, and then get used to an increase in dose. The fogginess and dizziness does seem to diminish. Hope it works out for you, cause it does help some with pain.

Hi Amy,

I started on Gabapentin, it helped my Sciatica, which is like an electric shock or a 'hot leg' it helped it but I felt like I was 'trashed' I could not walk unless I had a person or a wall to hug, it was like I was inside of a spinning top, so Dr took me off of that right away, then onto the Lyrica. There is an adjustment period, for sure, but after the severe side effects of the beginner dose of Gaba, the Lyrica was like a wonder! It causes some fluid retention for me, so sometimes I have to go off it for a day of two, I take 225 mg 3x a day and have been told I should be on 300, the GP wanted to up it to that, the Rheumatologist saw the swelling, and said no, no, no.

For me the Lyrica is best, but for you, it may not be. Definately call your Doctor, and be very careful driving while taking it, if you can't take it and drive, please don't!

I feel like I’ve had a partial lobotomy since starting Lyrica 150 mg twice daily. I miss work all the time, feel tired and spaced out. I’m in the process of changing medications but it’s difficult to get off these meds! So I would definitely recommend calling your dr to see what his opinion is- Don’t wait too long because then its harder to make a change!
Take care,

I have not been driving unless it is last resort, my husband and daughter have been driving for me. I love the fact that the pain is less with Lyrica just hope the side effects are just temporary since I just started it.

How long have you been on Lyica?

Hey Amy,
I'm currently on Lyrica as well. I'm taking 75 mg, 2 in the morning and 2 at night. When I was first put on it, I got that "swimming" or as I liked to call it "drunk" feeling. It went away after awhile of being on it; maybe it was about a couple of weeks for me...not too sure. I think I have been taking it for about 6 months now. Hope it does the same for you.


Me too!

I have been taking Lyrica since March. Unfortunately things haven’t improved but I hope things get better for you.