
Magnesium is mentioned a few times in this section that I’ve seen. But I wanted to share why magnesium works for me. Apparently, many individuals with fibro suffer with constipation. Chronic debilitating constipation for years. I’ve used every kind of laxative and after a while they don’t work any longer. So, I read about magnesium for constipation. What did I have to lose? I started with one 400 mg tablet, that wasn’t enough, so I tried 800 mg, not quite enough, so now I take 1200-1600 mg every night. I am under care by a gastroenerologist and he loves it that this is working for me so well. Oh, I also drink metamucil at bedtime, too. But alone, it doesn’t help with constipation.
Just thought I’d share this in case anyone else wants to look into this with their doctor. It’s changed my life–in that I don’t have a constant stomach ache.
To give you an idea of how bad my constipation would get, I went on vacation (everyone has trouble on vacation though) and didn’t go to the bathroom for 16 days. I looked 4 months pregnant (back then I was very thin, so a protruding stomach was very obvious). I was so sick when I got home that throwing up was a definite option.
Hope this wasn’t too gross but I wish someone had told me about magnesium years ago.

It’s worth looking into other magnesium sources if this helps as well. I’ve tried Fibroplex plus and PainX, both by Metagenics at the instruction of a wholistic therapist with naturopathy/homeopathy in his training. This particular format for magnesium apparently makes it easier for the body to absorb.
Good luck, glad it works for you!

Awesome! I will look into those!

I use magnesium through a powder called CALM. I drink it at night before bedtime. I’ve also used a magnesium oil that I rub on the bottom of my feet at bedtime and then place socks on. This helps me a lot when I am having sleep issue due to my fibromyalgia. We all know that it’s essential to get a full 8 hours sleep and good rest as often as possible for our body to heal and rest.

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