My visit with a therapist yesterday

I finally figured out how to start a discussion. Maybe it's my fibrofog that is messing with my mind, but I could not for the life of me find the page to start a discussion. Petunia tried to yesterday, but that idea did not work for me.

On to my therapy visit. I saw this woman for the first time and she seemed a bit perplexed on what I needed from her. First of all I told her I needed help dealing with this fibrocrap. When she asked me to give her some ideas of what was going on with me, I would start a subject and then go off on a tangent about something else and she sort of complained of that. In reading some posts from 07/12, I read that many with fibrofog start talking about something and the subject changes midstream. I think that could be my problem? She told me she treats several who have fibromyalgia.

With the cost of therapy now $25 instead of $10, I hope to have the money to see her every other week. I have an appt in two weeks and if I do enough typing I may have the money to see her, maybe or maybe not.

One other thing she told me is that Tramadol, which I take regularly 2 at a time 3 times a day, causes a lot of the same problems as one with fibromyalgia has. She showed me the physicians' desk reference and I am sure I had read it before, but disqualified because I had those problems before I started back on Tramadol last summer after being diagnosed with fibro. Some of the common symptoms of fibro and Tramadol use is:

  • dizziness, spinning sensation;

  • constipation, upset stomach;

  • headache;

  • drowsiness; or

  • feeling nervous or anxious.

Any ideas here? Thank you.

Karen who (Hates Pain)