I have seen 2 neurologists at my local clinic with little results and they asked for very little backround. Now my doctor is referring me to a neurology specialist an hour away. They sent a packet loaded with questions. I am optimistic maybe they will be better. Is there a difference between neurology at your clinic and going to a specialist facility?
Hello. I have a good nerve doctor and she likes to ask her questions. I find that younger doctors are more open to fibromyalgia unlike my experience with older doctors who like to stick to old ways and like to get you out the door.
Have you done research of this specialist facility? checked out to see if they have a comment page?
Not sure if you heard of body talk specialists? I plan to check one out soon. Basically they help your brain communicate with the rest of your body. They help all different people with all sorts of diagnosis. Its just a suggestion. I do all my treatments in a natural way (no medications) takes a while to get used to but I can always fill you in on things ive done to help myself manage pain.