New Pain

Recently I have been experiencing a lot of different pains. It is not all pain in my Fibro points, as it normally is, but rather radiating pain that moves all around my body. Example being when I lay down at night my back hurts and that pain moves in my thighs and down my legs. I’m also currently getting strange stomach pains that I don’t normally have. I’ve had fibromyalgia for over 6 years now and these are new symptoms to me. Are they common? Would love any input anyone has regarding new pain after a long time and etc. Thanks!:slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Mouse, I have all kinds of pain all over my body. I’v had FM for 14 years. My feeling has always been that when a new situation pops up out of the blue, it might warrent a trip to the doctor just to check it out. Best to put your mind at ease. Good luck~


Hi. I’ve had fibro for 30 years and at night I first sleep one side till it hurts and the pain wakes me up, then the other side till that hurts, then my back. And I agree with the other comment that with a new different symptom we should check with a doctor. I had stomach pain and it was gastritis from nsaids (Aleve).

I have had fibro for 35 years and in the past six months have new pain in thighs and legs. not cramps, just pure aching pain. Dr. says its from the fibro . it wouldnt hurt to have it checked out but my GUESS is its just fibro getting a little worse.

Unfortunately these new pains are consistent with Fibro. I normally sleep very rigid and tense so when I get up my muscles are sore. Sometimes it s frightful when you get those mysterious pains but and I dont think I can ever get accustomed to it. Push on and be brave - I have had Fibro 15+ years.

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