New to fibro and this site

Check out my page and my comment about my symptoms and let me know what you think. I have yet to be diagnosed but have had symptoms for over a year. I relate to 99% of what I have read about it.

Hi,Amanda. I’m new here myself so let me welcome you as one newbie to another. I think a lot of us fibro sufferers either knew we had fibro or at least knew something wasn’t right long before we were diagnosed officially by a doctor. In my case,I stumbled upon a fibro book at a bookstore & ding ding ding I had a winner. My advice is to first search diligently for a knowledgeable fibro doctor. One who will treat fibro with a more holistic approach & not over-medicate you with pharmaceuticals. This might take awhile so in the meantime,read,learn,talk to others like us as much as you can about,coping,good diet & everything & anything else related to fibro. Best of luck to you :slight_smile:

Hi Amanda and welcome to our site! I'm sorry as can be that you're relating to what we're saying. That stinks! I read your symptoms and think you really do need to have your doctor give you a definitive diagnosis because there are other illnesses that can mimic fibro, and you want him to rule them out first. Have you seen a rheumatologist and had any blood work/tests done?

Are you currently treating with a doctor? If not, I strongly advise you to do so. Some illnesses that mimic fibro can be slowed down greatly with the use of the proper medications. Fibro is not one of them, however. On the other hand, fibro isn't destructive to our body, other than the mental anguish we experience from the pain.

Another compelling reason to visit a doctor and get a diagnosis is so you can get on meds that can help with the pain.

I really and truly hope that you don't have fibro or the other illnesses that mimic it. However, if you have fibro, this is a good place to be to talk to others about dealing with the pain and the social stigma we face.

Please feel free to come again and ask any questions that you may have on the issue.



Yes, David, you're right about that, we did know that something wasn't right even before our diagnosis. I knew something was weird when I injured my elbow and knee in the same month and neither would heal for a year or more. But I really knew something was wrong when several years later, I was in agony trying to work part time as a cashier, and I saw women in their 60's slinging 20 lb or heavier bags of dog food over their shoulders and I could barely lift the bags without horrific pain. Yes, we do have that inkling. Very, very good post and point.

I want to welcome you. This site is great. sometimes my discussion questions don' get answered but I still like it.

It took me a long time to be diagnosed. I believe I suffered for many years until I took my body in my own hands and researched Dr's until I found a Arthritis Dr that really listened. For close to two years all of my major symptoms pointed to Fibro but my complaints fell on deaf ears. A year and a half ago I even had a pain Dr tell me not to let anyone tell me I had Fibro. crazy right? Eight months ago I had wrist and hand surgery and my symptoms multiplied by a million. Went in for yearly exam and NP told me I was just depressed and switched my anti-depressants I kept telling her that I wasn't but if it would make her feel better to switch it she could. Guess what? I still felt awful. Feeling like you have the body flu everyday isn't depression for me. Took my health in my own hands saw the Arthritis specialist three months ago and she finally gave me the diagnoses of fibro. Dr Jajoo has done amazing things for me. I had to go through gabapentin then to Lyrica (which is working great) I am on many other meds as well because I have degenerative osteo arthritis of the spine. I was also diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea. Can' wait for the machine! I have been taking Boswilla root and Tummeric to help with inflammation as well as calcium, vitamin D and fish oil. You are your own best advocate. You know your body better than anybody! I wish you the very best! Please keep us posted. Take care

Hi Amanda,

Welcome to the group, I agree with David and Petunia, your best bet is a Dr, see how your GP is, and seek out a Rheumatologist if you need to, I personally think they are the best care, but you may need to start with the GP. I also agree with the recommendation to research tirelessly, the more you know, the better care you will be able to ask for.

Fibromyalgia is one of the conditions/illnesses known as 'the great imitator', it takes a good Dr to diagnose and care for you properly.

Wishing you well,


Yes, I would definitely find a dr or clinic that treats fibro patients. My former GP didn’t and wouldn’t go back. Good luck my friend.