Feeling low

Hello everyone I would like to say a massive thank you for all the welcome messages. And now for a little rant !! I was diagnosed wiv fibro last August and Iam in constant pain mostly with my lower back Iam on a morphin patches dihudracoden and now a anti-inflammatory but since they told me I have fibro I get fobbed off by docs wen I see them they jus dont seem interested in my pain. And today I bent over and my back has kinda locked in a bent position so I can not stand straight and the pain is terrible I went minor injurys and they said they can’t help !!! My doctors was shut aswell I fill like they just aren’t interested an any pain I am in they say its the fibro that’s all sorry for long post just fed up today x

Hello Sonia and welcome to our group. I'm sorry that fibro has brought you here but we'll try to offer you comfort and support.

I know that doctors tend to shut us out when it comes to pain, as it's always fibro to them. Except sometimes it really isn't.

Do you have the ability to change doctors? If so, I'd strongly suggest it. You need to feel heard. And supported. Someone on here could probably tell you of a good doc in your area or else we can look up someone listed on the National Fibro Assn site.

Have you been tested for auto-immune diseases? They oftentimes mimic fibro and can even come with it. Ankyloidosis Spondilitis is another illness that attacks the back and sometimes goes along with fibro. If you haven't been thoroughly tested, then I suggest that you get it done.

Your poor back! Your pain sounds so horrible and overwhelming at the moment. Have you been given any muscle relaxants? If so, they might be of help. I also use ice when my back or knees hurt too bad. Ibuprofin also helps. Please be aware that I'm not a doctor, though, and you'd need to run any meds by your doctor. And please, sit on your doctor's head until he or she gives you something for your back!

Dear Sonia,

Finding a good Doctor who will NOT dismiss what is very real to you is of the utmost importance. I know that there are not an abundance of them, that is why I am constantly telling everyone that they should be under the watchful eye of a good Rheumatologist!

Sounds like current x-rays may be needed to, your body is trying to tell you something, and you need a Doctor that will listen to you and your body! It may even involve traveling to a University Hospital.

I am so sorry you are hurting, it seems to be a day that's tough on all of us, I had to go out in the ice cold severe winds today and it really hit me,

Sending you a hug, and hoping you are feeling much better,


Thanks for your replys I have been trying to find a fibro doctor I have amitripalin for night times but since my back has what I called locked up I haven’t been able to see a doc so gonna try an get in wiv one today. I don’t understand why I haven’t been given any medication to help wiv my fibro jus pain relief but my back keeps going Iam at my wits end wiv the pain it is so lovely to be able to talk with people who no just what Iam going throw !!!