Finding it hard , trying to be strong!

cant even go out , i hurt after , tablets not working , feel like im moaning as we all share the same pain ,feeling , and anxiety, i feel soo isolated ive come from a fit woman who loved walking , and constantly busy , now just do a little , sleep get up ans try to stay strong , cant even work , as pushed myself from full time down to part time and now to this , big hugs to everyone today xxxx

Angie, you've com to the right place. We all know your pain and feel for you. We know how it feels to lose our health and jobs and sometimes our friends and loved ones due to fibro. And yet still we soldier on because we ARE stronger than it. It may beat the heck out of us but at the end of the day, we win against it because we live to see another day. And we do have good days. And we have our compassion. And sense of humor. And people here who listen.

Be thankful for the small things in life because they truly are the big things in life.

Gentle hugs to you,


ty for replying petunia x it means alot x tc and big hugs x

Dear Angie,

We understand the pain and the isolation. So nice to talk with you, but sorry you have to be part of the 'pain train'! We were all very busy, capable, social, hard working, driven people. I almost said women, because we are 98-99% women at my estimate!

The very best advice I can give you is to see a Rheumatologist, and do not give up until you find a good one! They will be able to do more for you than all of the other Doctors combined. If they finally conclude that you do NOT have autoimmune, they can usually tell you what you do have, and will know where to send you, UNLESS you already know the underlying cause, such as disease or injury.

My GP is brilliant, but everything changed with me after my third rear-ended car accident, so they were concentrating on injury, which I have, but also had hereditary predisposition to autoimmune disease, and until this was finally diagnosed, alot of irreversible joint damage occured.

Find out as much as you can about family medical history. Keep an on-going list of symptoms and ailments, EVEN if you think them unrelated, these may be the way to get your diagnosis!

In the meantime, we are here for you, venting, complaining, trying to lift ourselves and one another up and doing as much research as we possibly can!

Glad to have you with us, hope we can all find our answers!



Hugs again to you, Angie. Feeling the same way myself today. Can totally relate to you. Hope you have some relief today. Remember we're here to listen to you. Moan away if you must! It's better than sitting on all of this pain in silence.


Petunia Girl

Truer words were never spoken. Our girl SK gives great advice. It's too bad that she isn't a doctor herself because I'd go to her. She's a good one to listen to, she's been there and unfortunately done it.

ty soo much x it means alot , i hope u r ok today , big hugs , i have seen a rhumatologist he has put me on nortriptyline , and i have naproxin and tramadol , but the hurt is still there every minute of the day , onwards and upwards i can say that on some days but when it bad i just cry but maybe i need that cry to make me strong again , i soo much appreciate peoples replys it gets me through xxxx

hi petunia hope u r ok today x big hugs xx tc