New to groups

Hello to all, new to this site. Diagnosed with fibromyalgia
In 2011, used to hurt so bad I was crying because I just
Didn’t know at the time and what to do to ease the pain.
It’s been a journey living with this and the journey of medications used along
with little yoga, essential oils and creams, but battling is a daily
thing and I hope to meet some friends here and learn more
about this condition


Hi Symmone, welcome to this site. I too have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue I know how difficult it can be sometimes when you are in pain and you are willing to try almost anything to feel better. I’ve had it a long time and it doesn’t get any easier. I’m in alot of pain today all I want to do is crawl back into bed and sleep. But I am here for you if you ever want to talk. I know your family and friends try to be there for you but unless they are going through it themselves it’s hard for them to understand what you are going through. When people I know ask how I’m doing I always just say fine because lets face it no one really wants to hear that you are in so much pain you want to cry. There’s nothing they can do anyway so why make them feel bad for you. But I am going through what you are going through so whenever you need to vent just let me know. OK?

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Hi Vicki, thanks for the reply, and thank you for your support, please feel free to vent as well, sometimes I just do not know who to vent to because God bless my husband, but to him it is more

like complaining, and I am not trying to complain at all, just allow my feelings to be heard. It is all good though, he tries to be as understanding as possible and that I am grateful for. I think if

I did not work such strange hours, I would have the sleep I need on a daily basis, but like this morning getting up at 1am to go to work and not leave till almost noon, it became a harsh day, and

all the medicatioins can only do so much, ya know? I appreciate you and hope to be friends here, sometimes I do not know what to say or ask support sites, though I have been on a few, after awhile they are either no longer servicing or no one replies…( I am smiling). But on the upside, I got to take a long hot bath with Epson salts and it sure felt good. Hope your well and in not so much pain today. Take care, talk soon.

Hi Symonne you said I could vent to you so here goes. I’ve been trying to do these facial exercises to tone down my double chin and slim down my cheeks and jawline. And I’ve set off my TMJ. My jaw hurts so bad I can barely open my mouth. So much for being vain. Anyway have you ever notice that if one thing hurts it’s like a domino effect and then everything hurts. I usually go the gym every morning but I just couldn’t do it today. I guess I could have pushed myself to go but then I thought I would do more harm then good. And sometimes it’s good to take a day off. Do you think I’m being to vain in trying to exercise my facial muscles? Your face it the first thing to show your real age and my mind is sagging a bit not much it’s just starting. I’ve thought about a facelift but thought I would try face yoga first and see if that would help. So much for growing old gracefully. As it is I’m looking at getting braces on my teeth because my bite is off and it’s causing me to have pulsatile tinnitus in my right ear. I have a mouth guard I’ve been wearing 24/7 and it’s helped a lot so I thought If I could just fix my bite It would fix the tinnitus too. It sucks getting old. I’m only 59 but I feel like i’m 159. Ok I’m done venting. Thanks for listening.

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Hi Vicki… you bet, when one thing hurts it is like that domino affect you mentioned… I thought when I went to sleep last night, I would wake up feeling fresh and ready to start my day and unfortunately I do not. Going to work this afternoon to work the closing shift and I am just going to go with the flow today. Ya know, I am at that age where I am starting to see my skin change along with my face, more lines, more sagginess in the chin and neck, and it is really a weird sensation when I am pulling it back to see the difference. I have always used face moisturizer, but what good that has done all these years…lol. I do not think your vain in trying to do facial exorcises , Many women do it, to be honest I just do not think it really works unless been doing since a younger age. But then again, what do I know? I used to do the facial turns, twists, jaw and all that for a long time and I just stopped once I got into management, seems like I went from a part time to a 60 hour a week job that for these past 20 years, I am just ready to go back to part time or disability. My body is not on the same page with my brain and these last few years trying to find that temporary relief to have a life, I am just doing what my doctor says, I sleep when I can, yoga when I feel like it, pilate ball here and there, and its all so much work. And make sure you believe your growing gracefully, we women go through so much in our lives and these past 48 years for me, growing older is definitely looking in the mirror more than usual, but at the same time, we have so much to share with our experiences, were still young enough to enjoy the little things and allow our bodies to do what its going to do, but yoga for me has been the most beneficial for me in my life. Started yoga about 7 years ago and it has helped my core, my shoulders, and I watch Adriene on youtube, she has the flexable yoga and beginner yoga that I still do today, I cant do all the fancy poses, but I can do a little to ease some of the pressure I feel on a daily basis. I hope your feeling better today. Talk soon…and yes, anytime you want to vent and get stuff out… you bet I am here.



Ask any questions you have , i have had this since little…
My fibro toolbox is extensive…but i am feeling, although not in the hurracaine, the storm system has me stiff and achy…

Oh, the off work hours would be a challenge with us…because often , sleeping well does not come easy

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i used to make fun of older people when I wa 8 or 10. now i am 74 and its no longer funny ! i have had fibro close to 40 years. and yes, although I live in Nebraska, the hurricane weather bothered me and made my pain worse. One thing i have noticed is that I always greet people, family, strangers, etc. with How badly I am aching, so hard to do things. THEY DONT CARE. I am being more careful not to mention my pain. The other thing is that I am doing SMALL exercises, making myself walk out to feed the wild birds, walk to the mail box, doing everything I can to stay out of assisted living. Since I am low income, I qualify for a lady to come every Friday afternoon to vacuum, lift heavy things out of the car (like cat litter) clean the toilet, dust, etc. things that I simply cannot do. I remember when I could soak in a hot tub of water, now I have to use a shower chair. Just do what you can, try to move around as best you can. I cannot recommend any meds as have tried 15 or 20 and nothing helps. Good luck, and it is good to have a friend to visit with or something to look forward to. carolyn

Thank you Carolyn for your motivational words. It’s nice to hear that no matter how your feeling your still doing what you can, and I admire that. Sounds like you are pretty active and how wonderful to be able to do that. I just mowed the back yard and though I am hurting, working in the yard just gives me so much serenity. Now it’s time to fold the laundry, take a shower and call it a good day.

So true Lmd, if it wasn’t for the medication to sleep, I would not sleep at all, since I was little for some reason or another always had a difficult time to sleep. Always had nightmares when I did and books were magical for many years, still are, but work kind of seemed to set me back now for some time. Just got on a short term leave from work the other day, so I may get a book again company me. Hope your doing well

Yes i do not sleep if i miss the medication, unless i have a fever, then i sleep a lot

Hello! I just joined here this week. I was diagnosed in 2009 when I was 32. I’ve gone through all the approved for fibro drugs with no luck…no helping just terrible side effects. I have a lot of things in my toolbox but am in a two month flare right now after having a severe case of hand foot and mouth disease in August. Nothing is helping much except CBD oil. I love heat for my pain and aching…hot baths, heating blanket, heating pad. I use a weighted blanket, compression gloves and socks, essential oils, pain creams, CBD oil, magnesium lotion & supplements.

Hi Nannyfor3, welcome, sounds like me, tried everything you mentioned above, compression gloves, socks, and arm sometimes I put my leg ones on depending on weather or what’s going to be the plan in my day. Hope your feeling ok today, looking forward into your posts.