New to this site... in need of some advice or words of encouragement

Hello my name is Ashlei and I just got approved to this group. I’m on here because it’s hard to get advice anywhere on this topic and I need to know I’m not alone in this. I got diagnosed a little over a year ago while I was active duty Army. They think the physical activity in the army was just way too stressful for my little body as I also have hyper mobility in all my joints as well. And the mental stress was just too much. It all started in my knees, I was a long distance runner, I loved being fit and in shape but after my runs I started noticing my knees being in the worst pain to where I would just fall over in pain crying because it was so bad. Then I started going to the doctor. Eventually it spread everywhere in my body. My skin to the touch even hurts. Sharp pains in my hips and knees. My neck is always in pain. I have extreme fatigue where some days I can barely get out of bed. Sometimes my husband has to carry me up our stairs to go to bed. I am now also getting dizzy, lightheaded, the feeling of being off balance. Even if I move my head too fast it’s like the sensation of spinning. I’m SUPER light sensitive as well sometimes I have to close all the blinds and sit in the dark. My short term memory is complete shit. I also struggle with tension headaches which are located around my eyebrows. They’ve tried all medications but the side effects were honestly worse for me that I would’ve much rather be in pain than deal with the side effects. Lyrica was the worst for me it was hell. I gained at least 10 pounds from that. I’m almost off of everything except for my anxiety/ depression meds. So needless to say I’m feeling out of options and need some advice on something natural I can try. Does anyone else have the dizziness and sensation like you’re spinning??

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Hi Grim24,

I hope you’re having a good day, I know it feels like they’re few and far between.

I know what you mean about the dizziness, besides the blinding headaches this was my first symptom and what got the doctors actually checking for something, although it still took 9 years for a diagnosis.

I’m still looking for natural remedies myself, especially since there isn’t any recognised treatment here in the UK so I haven’t tried any meds besides over the counter painkillers.

A few things that I’ve fouond can help though are;
A long warm bath - not too hot though as this can increase dizziness.
Incense - I find the smell calming and since Fibro sufferers can be especially sensitive to strong smells (they have even brought on headaches for me) incense can help cover this with something relaxing.
Multi-layered bedding - I use sheets and a quilt so I can vary the level of warmth through the night since it’s a battle to stay at the right temperature.
Water - I know it’s recommended for everything but it really does help, I alternate between teas and squash so I don’t get bored and reach for something fizzy and carbonated which causing bloating and more pain.

Just a few things to think about, like I said they won’t get rid of the pain or discomfort but they definitely help.

Feel free to message me for a chat.

Keep comfy!
Siân xx


Yeah I’ve definitely noticed that heat really does make a difference but only temporarily sadly. The dizziness is just so overwhelming sometimes. My doctors told me to go on the anti inflammation diet and I’ve been doing that for awhile. I still get flare ups and recently my flare ups now include pretty severe flu like symptoms… it’s very frustrating. I feel like I’m just constantly experimenting and I’m starting to give up on finding anything that can help me. I have heard wonderful things about medical marijuana helping people with fibro but it’s still not legal in my state so sadly that’s not an option either lol.

I’m also worried about being able to work full time when I’m out of the Army. I’m applying to places because my husband and I need the money but I’m very worried about not being able to keep a job if I have to call in.

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Hi Grim24,

Sorry for the really delayed response, I’ve been off work sick for a couple of week and I lost track of everything.

I know what you mean about the dizziness, sometimes I just wish my body would give up and let me faint for a bit but I always seem to hold it together just enough.

I haven’t tried the anti-inflammation diet but I’ll have to have a look, I hope it’s started to do you some good.

I hope that you’re feeling better than you were a few weeks ago and the flu-like feelings are frustrating, I usually get them alongside the fog but when I don’t my mind races and just get angry that I can’t pull myself together but I’m gradually getting better at not blaming myself and I hope you’re not giving yourself a hard time.

Try not to worry about work in the future, the most important thing is that you make sure you’re doing the right work for you right now, it will help prevent you from burning out and feeling like you’re capable of less and less.

From what I’ve heard and read a lot of people do experience more and stronger symptoms over time but not everyone does so try not to write off the future you had plans, you might need to change some details or timescales but you’ll get there in the end :slight_smile:

Marijuana’s illegal over here in UK too, not even medicinal so that’s off the table for me too but there’s more and more evidence out there that it could be a serious medical benefit so perhaps in the not to distant future.

Keep comfy!
Siân xx

Ashlei, I am so sorry you are suffering so much!

The first thing that helped me the most, was a heated mattress pad suggested by my massage therapist, which I purchased online from Sunbeam. I use the Preheat function while bathing, so the bed is warm when I get in, then reset to Low. For the first time in MONTHS, I do not wake every hour to turn over painfully to carefully rearrange myself in the bed. Except for one getting up to the bathroom, I sleep all night. On waking, I am not as stiff and sore as accustomed. Marvelous. My husband did not want it on his side, so I bought Twin size and simply laid it out on top of our regular mattress pad and underneath the bottom sheet. $49.49 with free shipping and the best money I have spent lately.

I have been reading a lot about fibro, because the more I know, the more I understand, maybe the more I can help myself. The doctors do not have any real answers. Reading about research projects, they are all looking everywhere and many competing theories. There are so many symptoms in different constellations in each patient, hard for them to narrow it down.

I recommend Devin Starlanyl’s book “Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain: A Survival Manual (2nd Edition)”. It is very dense and a lot of valuable information. Some days, I cannot read it because my fog is greater. But on days when I can read it, I have learned so much.

Another good book at the beginning is Claudia Craig Marek’s book “The First Year: Fibromyalgia: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed”. It is broken up day by day and then week by week and then month by month. Over the last 3 months, I have read the entire book and meant to read it again. The progression is very helpful to get clear understanding.

I do not know if it will help you too, but I hope so, and send you my best wishes and prayers, as well. RA:)

Hello Grim24,
Yes I have the dizziness and I also fainted about a month ago. I also have headaches. My joints and muscles hurt me daily. I am taking Lyrica now just started about one week ago. So far so good! I pray I don’t gain weight because I can’t afford to gain another pound. So I am watching what I eat and how much. I’m very sorry too hear what you are going through. Because I really understand. I need this site because my hubby and friends and family don’t really understand what I deal with on a daily basis. I pray and Hope things get better soon for ALL who reads on this site. Have a blessed and awesome evening!

Avoid stress. Stop consuming sugar. Determine to be in control of your own mind set. Have a positive attitude. Be thankful. Move when you can; don’t push it when you can’t - Listen to your body. Prioritize sleep if you’re not getting enough.

I know it’s hard, or maybe impossible, to work things out when your mind is full of fog. That’s why this group is so important to some of us. The folks here know what I mean when I say pain for no reason.

If you’re into essential oils at all, topical and aromatic use of Frankincense, Helichrysum, Rosemary, Peppermint oils are helpful for pain and maybe depression some, especially the Helichrysum… Lavender, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Orange oils can ease exhaustion and brain fog.

Essential oils took my existence to a new, way better, level.

Hello Kronicchick,

Could you tell me how to use the oils? Because I will try anything if it helps. Out of the oils the only one I have is peppermint oil, because I use that for headaches. I have sinus and allergies. So headaches are something I have often. I know fibromyalgia can cause headaches also. I don’t use a lot of sugar, because I never add sugar to anything. The sugar I get is already in the foods or drinks. I do drink coffee with creamer. But I don’t add sugar, but there is sugar already in there. I use to use sugar in my house like crazy. But now my hubby is the only one uses sugar out of the bag. Please let me know which oils you rub with or take and which ones you burn. I try so hard to have a positive attitude. But sometimes my hubby makes that hard. Because he really don’t understand what I go through.

Because when I don’t feel up too doing something, like cooking or going food shopping or going to Walmart. After I fainted about 2 months ago. I’m still having lower back pain. So my Dr is sending me to a back and spine specialist. My appointment is on the 17th and I can’t wait to see what can he do to help me with this pain. My joints and muscles already hurts like crazy, and now I have back pain. So walking and standing has been a real problem. Thanks in advance for giving me the information on the oils. I pray that you have a good rest of the week. Have a blessed and awesome day!

Shirley :two_hearts:

Peppermint is the oil I use the most. I put it on my headache, straight but usually dilute it with fractionated coconut oil, hempseed oil, jojoba oil or olive oil for larger areas. Two drops in a Tablespoon of carrier oil makes for a good massage oil for a painful area.

I also really like Frankincense and Helichrysm. I’ve been using them with peppermint for some headaches I’ve been having since I had a carbon monoxide leak. It’s been two years now and this trio is like a magical secret weapon against these headaches - after several doctors/specialists have given up and told me I’d just have to live with them.

Another way to use the oils is to put them in a mist diffuser and breathe them in. I just got one myself. My blood pressure has been super high lately. I tried diffusing Lavender and 20 minutes later, my blood pressure had dropped 20 points - diastolic.

I started collecting my oils about 2 years ago. I started with Peppermint. I’ve learned how to use them by looking them up on the internet and experimenting.

Good morning, Kronichick,

Thank you for explaining all the way to use the oils. I am going to get some of the other oils you talked about. Because I have only used peppermint oil and lemongrass oil and eucalyptus oil those are the only ones I ever had. I have at one point had lavender oil but not right now. Some oils are so expensive. Do you have a place that you buy them or it doesn’t matter. Because I have started seeing oils in Walmart. Thanks again for your helpful information. I pray that you have a less painful days to come.

Shirley :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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