New with a lot of questions

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia several years ago. At the time I wasn’t aware of all the things that went with it. I just ached. It is now hard to use my hands. They ache so bad. I also have severe anxiety disorder along with MDD. Diabetes, chronic kidney disease, high blood pressure. Fatigue and brain fog. I’m thinking some of these things are related to fibromyalgia. I can use any advice that I can get. Thank you

HI Gerri,

Fibro is often related to anxiety. Who knows if anxiety Is the trigger, or the result of the pain, the journey to be diagnosed, then the journey to find successful treatment. Learn all you can, it will always be of help to you whey you are speaking with the Doctors.

I am very sorry you deal with the other things, I do know that diabetes is autoimmune, but do not have a vast knowledge of it. My Rheum told me that my primary autoimmune disease (Psoriatic arthritis) most likely caused the fibromyalgia.

I hope that you are under good medical care and can get some relief!



Thank you so much for responding to my post.

I know that my fibromyalgia is progressing. I hope I find some answers I seek on this support site.


Hi Gerri

Aching is FM, I'm sorry I don't know what MDD is. Fatigue and brain fog are certainly FM symptoms. I have got diabetes too but not sure if that is just a coincindence as I haven't heard of them being linked although all that means is I've not heard! I also have high blood pressure but have had for years. I also have at the moment a very large kidney stone and gallstone and a larger cyst on one of my ovaries which I'm waiting for surgery to remove. I don't think these other things are linked to FM but some of the medications they give for various things can damage your kidneys. Anxiety can come for various reasons and being in pain constantly will make you anxious. Rest assured, you are not alone in your suffering and if there is anything anyone can do to help you, just let us know.

Try using a TENS machine for aching muscles and or a gel or cream that will help with pain. I get something called 'Phorpain' which is a large yellow tube of gel that helps ease muscle pain and it really does help but I practically bathe in it. I put it on my neck, shoulders, back, knees, elbows, hands, ankles and places in between. It doesn't smell or burn it just eases pain.

Hi Gerri, and welcome to our group. I'm sorry that you've got fibro; it's so hard to deal with. But we try to help you out here.

In answer to your question, MDD, fatigue and brain fog are definitely related to fibro. The painful hands too, I would think, unless you have something else going on like RA or an auto-immune illness.

I use over the counter pain patches called Salon Pas. I stick a bunch on and leave them on for hours. Man, do they help me feel better! I also use Ibuprofin, which helps some. And I'm on Lyrica, which helps a bit.

It's hard to figure out how to get pain relief and relief from the fatigue and brain fog. I know that sleep really helps me with the fog and fatigue. That usually means an afternoon nap, as I can sleep easier in the afternoon and feel more refreshed after those naps than after a night's worth of sleep.

You'll probably receive more advice from others. I'm a bit too fatigued to stay on but I'm glad you've joined us and hope you can find useful info about fibro within these pages.



Petunia is right, the aching hands could be a form of arthritis. If it is possible, try to get a Rheumatologist to have a look at you, they are the diagnostic masters. They usually know just by looking at you! Sometimes you can have a good idea if the arthritis strength Excederin or Tylenol help considerably!

Thank you all for your information.

I do believe that my hands are another part of fibromyagia. I have the burning sensation along with the sensitivity to placing my hands in cold water. They ache so much, that it often wakes me up. When I do get up, my whole body hurts. I have sleeping problems. Sometimes I sleep all the time. Then other days it almost impossible to sleep. I wake up often. Extremely tired, yet unable to go to sleep at times. The days that I have this follows with days that it's so hard to wake up.

and I can sleep for hours, even days. I have Tazodone that I can take, but leaves me tired and more brain fog the next day.

I'm glad that I joined this group. I believe I will find some answers that I'm looking for.

I have forgot to mention that I have chronic kidney disease. So this means I can no longer take Ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin of any kind. These pain relievers are toxic to my kidneys. So I am taking arthritis Tylenol. Tylenol does not work for me. It never has. I know I shouldn't but every once in awhile I do take Ibuprofen. When the pain gets so bad. Which I believe this is progressing. If anyone has any suggestions on what to take for pain. I would greatly appreciate it.
