Hi, I hope every one had a nice weekend. Well I went to another aerobics class Sat and I took y'all advice and came straight home and rested. I did have a lot of energy after the class. That night I had alot of pain in my neck and back. I finally fell asleep at 4: 00 in the morning. Why is the pain so much worse at night?
Again I woke up at 11:00 last night and still have pain. I've slept in between the meds. As soon as they wear off the pain wakes me.it's very humid here too. Cloudy and slight showers. I am only bothered by the cold so I'm also wondering if the humidity is causing this .Anybody have nght pain ?
The humidity could be causing some of it. I found water aerobics to work better for me. I have more pain at night I take a bath in lavendar and epsion salts sometimes i will use the over the counter patches before i go to bed and they seem to help also.
i think for me it could be after the day is over and i have done some stuff the fatigue and pain could be worse. not sure . those symptoms could hit me any time though as i also have CFIDS ( CFS/ME).. lots of good bed pillows, comfy sheets/blankets, good meditation music, ativan and benydryl are my evening routines to help. I dont lilke any weather extremes. i take a few cool showers in the hot weather espeically when we are not using our air conditioners. i wish you all the best and BETTER huggggggggggggggggggs