Hey y'all... I am getting along well with my injections. I really wished there was a support group on this site for people with MS. That way I can find my support needs in one place... for the Fibro and MS. This is the best interactive support group I have been able to find for Fibro and it would be nice if I could come here for my MS support too...
I am learning to sort out my whole complicated mess of symptoms... I am finding it easier to smile again. The knowing something else was wrong is over... I believe I am finally getting the treatment I needed. I do not know what the future holds but I do know that my worse part of the journey is over. The struggling to get my Dr.s to keep testing... maybe now I will not have to have so many injections from my Rhumy... I am up to 31 since May 12, 2014...and maybe I can stop worrying so much.
I look forward to enjoying my life and going on this new Journey with both feet grounded. It wont be easy but nothing ever is... but the thought of having some control is worth the effort.
Anyways... I really wished this site had an MS support group too...
Hi Belinda! You can start an MS group any time you want! Click on the word "groups" across the top of any page, then in the upper right you will see a box that says "Add+". Click that, Name your group and follow the steps and we will have an MS group! I'm sure there are a lot of us with both MS and fibro.
I was wondering how you are getting on, and so glad to hear you sounding so positive. With so many unexplained symptoms, it is important that we must be aware that some may point to other conditions. Your story has highlighted this. You sound like a strong amazing woman, my good wishes and thoughts are with you.
Thank You... I just did that. Waiting for approval.
Sheila W said:
Hi Belinda! You can start an MS group any time you want! Click on the word "groups" across the top of any page, then in the upper right you will see a box that says "Add+". Click that, Name your group and follow the steps and we will have an MS group! I'm sure there are a lot of us with both MS and fibro.
AnneV... Thank You... sometimes I do not feel so tough... and I go up and down on a roller coaster of emotions... but doing that only makes things worse. It is better to be positive and having a good support system is key to mental health...lol... I have been through more than my share yet I have to remind myself that it could be so much worse. So I am blessed in that aspect.
HUGGS, Belinda
AnneV said:
Hello Belinda,
I was wondering how you are getting on, and so glad to hear you sounding so positive. With so many unexplained symptoms, it is important that we must be aware that some may point to other conditions. Your story has highlighted this. You sound like a strong amazing woman, my good wishes and thoughts are with you.